Log 2024-8-4

Sunday 2024-8-4

After last night's G2-storm at 3-6 UTC stormy ionosphere with several daytime G1-periods, G1-storm 14.30-17.30 UTC,  a few R1 radio blackouts and Bz negative 0-13.30 UTC, Bz currently: -5 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Russia, Sweden, Poland, Czechia, Italy +S1-2, distorted SW signals in fast fading

6275      17.27     ContiKenzo, S5-7, C.W. McCall - Convoy, Journey-Dont stop Believing, 17.38: greez, id

6265      17.46     unid, S4-6, occ. ute 6255-65, Dutch version of "Free electric Band", Dutch and German songs, 18.05: "Broadcasting from a location somewhere in Europe, this is XX", 18.11: "This is Station XX", cd 18.17

6390      17.50     unid, S2-4, occ. ute 6385-95, rock tracks, 17.55: Alvin Stardust - Pretend, 17.58: id in female voice, Tracey Ullman - They don't know about Us, rock tracks

6210      18.04     unid, S2-4, rock tracks

6285      18.14     Weekend Music, S5-7, id, talking about listening to R. Mi Amigo

5800      18.23     ContiKenzo, S5-7, same as on 6275, Laura Branigan - Self Control

6943      18.26     Enterprise, S5-7, instr. rock, 18.31: techno version of "Speedy Gonzales", Italian rock, 18.39: "This is Enterprise Radio", email, Italian song

Strong ionospheric disturbances continuing with G1-G2 peaks until 19 UTC, floor SW=S0, statics +S1-2, distorted and fast fading SW signals, missing 180 meter signals

6205      19.37     XTC, S4-6, rock, English hosting, Bananarama - Cruel Summer, 19.44: "Broadcasting from a secret location somewhere in the UK, this is XTC", 19.46: id, email, snail mail address in Herten, the Netherlands, hosting, cd-ann., techno rock, cd 19.48

6370      19.48     Witte Reus, S3-5, techno version of Tears For Fears - Everybody wants to rule the World, id 19.51, 19.52: "This is the Witte Reus broadcasting with a little bit of music", techno tracks

6393      19.55     unid, S5-7, techno tracks, ass. Joey

5880      19.58     Rock Revolution, S5-7, " This is Radio Rock Revolution on SW and MW"

5030      20.01     Deltracks, S4-6, 20.04: Dutch hosting, English id-jingle

3940      20.18     unid, S9-S9+10, Russian rock tracks, too strong ? to be Russian Navy Blacksea, Sevastopol 5 kW registered on this freq

6170      20.36     Delta, S8-S9+5, id-jingles in Dutch, English, German


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