Saturday 2024-9-14
Settling ionosphere, latest G1-peaks at 11-12.30 UTC, Bz: 0 .. +4 nT, R3 (X4.5) radio blackout at 15.30 UTC, somewhat elevated proton flux continuing, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine +S1-3, 19 UTC onwards solar flux on the rise towards S1 solar radiation storm > 180 meter signals weakening
5840 17.37 Mi Amigo, S3-5, Doors - Light my Fire, 17.40: id in the statics, 17.45: "This is R. Mi Amigo from the Netherlands", id-jingles, email
5829 17.42 Joey, S5-7, rock, cd 17.44, on again at 18.43, techno version of Johnny Cash - I walk the Line, 18.45: "Je sind verbonden met de Studio Joey", S6-8
5880 17.48 Rock Revolution, S5-7, rock tracks, 54: "Rock Radio Revolution , fasten your seatbelts cause here we go", Dire Straits - Money for Nothing
5135 17.56 Deltracks, S3-5, techno, 17.59: Dutch hosting, id, 18.00- carrier only
1620 18.01 Bizon, S3-7, ute 1615-20, German waltz, "De Johnny, De Johnny"-country song, 18.08: John Fogerty - Put me in Coach, 18.16: thanking for report, "You're listening to the Radio Bizon from the Netherlands"
1665 18.05 Digital, S3-7, Johnny Cash - Heart of Gold, Chuck Berry - Memphis Tennessee, Dutch songs, instr. waltz, 18.18: thanking for report, id, Searchers - Sweets for my Sweet
1638 18.12 unid, S2-5, id, Dutch songs, 18.56: Keith Marshall - Only Crying, instr. polka, S4-6
6274,4 18.21 Mordor, S7-9, George Thorogood & The Destroyers - Bad to the Bone, "You're listening to Radio Mordor, the free voice of northern mountains", CCR - Fortunate Son, id- jingle, T. Rex - Get It On (Bang a Gong), 18.28: "This is Radio Mordor, only short broadcast as usual", Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird, 18.35: greez to me !! , Status Quo - Whatever You Want, 18.40: greez to Lighthouse, Eagles - Hotel California
1629 18.51 Blauwe Koe, S5-7, Dutch song, "Veronica"-song, Dutch version of Carola Häggkvist - Främling, 19.08: talking, id
1655 19.04 Yogi, S5-8, CCR - Who stopped the Rain, 19.06: Elvis - Suspicious Minds, 19.18: Dolly Parton - 9 to 5, 19.21: "Test 1,2", greez to stations, id, Maywood - Rio, Meatloaf - Paradise by the Dashboard Light
G1-peaks at 19-20.30 UTC, Bz: -7 .. -4 nT, floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0. proton flux intensifying, 180 meter propagation from western Europe weakening in favor of the Greeks, SW signals fluttering
1611 20.38 unid, S7-9, German song, "Very very good for Hollywood"-polka, "Auf Wiedersehen bis zum nächsten Mal"- song, Dutch and German songs
1620 20.38 Houthakker, S6-8, Greek on freq covering, greez to Alf, id, Dutch song
1670 20.45 Matrix, S5-7, Greek on freq covering, German song, rock, 21,11: "This is Radio Matrix from the Netherlands, good evening"
3940 21.00 Music Wave, S9+5-S9+15, Russian words, from Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake Symphony, id 21.04, Status Quo - What You're Proposing
5829 21.06 Joey, S7-9, techno tracks
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