Log 2024-9-20
Friday 2024-9-20
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -1 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from the Black Sea, France, England, Wales +S1-3, floor MW=S1, weak and late opening 180 meter signals
5800 16.58 unid, S5-7, occ. Russian ann.s on freq, Tony Esposito - Calimba da Luna, Dutch song, Faith Hill - Piece of my Heart, Dutch song, big band polka, Dutch "Seniorita"-song, 17.15: "Ela Ela (Dat zijn de Nederlanders)"-song, "Witte Rozen"-song, "Hand in hand op Mallorca"-song, Dutch song, 30^
6205 17.28 LHH, S6-8, disco, 17.30: "Playing great music for your weekend - Laser Hot Hits International", Indeep - Last Night a DJ saved my Life, Shalamar - Second Time Around, "Laser - music action !"
5840 18.14 Golden Oldies, S7-9, Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson, 18.20: "Golden Oldies Radio", 18.27: Hank the Knife & The Jets - Stan The Gunman, 18.30: "Golden Oldies Radio - de disco zender van Nederland", CCR - Someday never Comes, "Golden Oldies Radio"
5055 18.38 unid, S6-8, occ. ute 5052-55, instr. rock tracks, 18.49- rock songs, 18.56: instr. soul, 19.01: music jingle ?, almost instr. "Skin Deep", 30^, 19.11: almost instr. Roger Miller - King of the Road
1636 19.44 unid, S3-6, Dutch waltzes
1629 20.22 Bizon, S6-8, greez to Birmingham, Tremeloes - Silence is Golden, McKenzie - San Francisco, 20.34: greez to Birmingham, 20.38: "Good evening, you're listening to the Station Bizon from the Netherlands"
1620 20.26 unid, S4-6, other carrier on freq, CCR - Looking out my Back Door, Traveling Wilburys - End of the Line
1611 20.46 unid, S3-6, 1602 R. Tsentr. splashing, Greek on freq, "Auf Wiedersehen Marlene"-song, Dutch and German songs, instr.polkas, 20.59: greez
1665 20.48 Vonkentrekker, S3-6, Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark - Enola Gay, "Radio Vonkentrekker"-jingle, Kim Wilde - Cambodia
1620 21.00 unid, S3-6, other carrier on freq, big band polka polkas
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