Log 2024-9-24
Tuesday 2024-9-24
G1-peaks at 0-7 and 12-16 UTC, unsettled ionosphere, Bz: -3 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Italy, western Mediterranean +S1-3, G1-G2-G4-G5-G2-G1-peaks at 19.30-20.30 UTC > 180 meter signals weakening
1611 17.46 Mike, S4-7, 1602 R. Tsentr splashing, Greek on freq occ. overriding, 1615 Greek splashing, Van Morrison - Have I told You Lately, Dutch songs, 18.07: Survivor - Eye of the Tiger, id 18.09, greez to Luxemburg, contact info, 18.11: Van Halen - Jump, 18.26: cd-rock, greez , 18.28: "Toot volgende keer, dit was de Mike", cd 18.31
1638 17.51 unid, S4-7, polkas, waltzes, Dutch songs, 18.02: Dutch version of "Marmor Stein und Eisen Brich", cd 18.13
1665 17.53 Bonanza, S4-7, Dutch song, id 17.54, Dutch songs
1620 17.57 Marianne, S3-6, occ. ute 1620-25, Dutch songs, 18.50: German songs, 19.02: "Heimweh"-song, Dutch "Kleine Paloma"-song, S5-7, 20.00: German songs, 20.15: "Dit is Marianne, jouuu", S6-8
6300 18.16 unid, S3-5, ute 6295-6300, rock tracks
1638 18.22 unid, S5-7, Greek on freq, instr. polka, 18.23: part of John Fogerty - Rock And Roll Girls, cd 18.25
5880 19.51 Rock Revolution, S5-7, 5875 No. Korean jamming splashing, Cat Stevens - Morning has broken, "Radio Rock Revolution"
1634 20.03 unid S4-7, waltz songs, 20.09: "Hop la la"-polka, polkas, Dutch songs, 20.21: Bobby Helms - Lonely River Rhein, "Oklahoma"-waltz, Jim Reeves - Welcome to my World, 20.30: "Banks of the Ohio"-song, cd 20.32
1643 20.05 unid, S5-7, instr. polka, cd 20.06
1665 20.33 Twentana, S5-7, Les Horizons - Wir sind die Casanovas, instr. R&R, 20.35: id, greez to Alf, polka, 20.41: cd
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