Log 2024-9-9
Monday 2024-9-9
Unsettled ionosphere, Bz very erratic: -7 .. +7 nT, several weak R1-radio blackouts during daytime, latest R1 (M 3.5) at 14 UTC, S1 solar radiation storm 8 UTC onwards, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S2, constant static crashes from Türkiye, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Adriatic Sea, Italy +S1-3, 180 meter signals weakening, SW signals in fast fading, G2-peak at 20-20.30 UTC > distorted 180 meter signals disappearing
1647 17.58 unid, S3-7, CCR - As long as I can see the Light, T. Rex - Get It On, 18.09: Thin Lizzy - Whiskey in the Jar, 18.15: Kiki Dee Band - I've got the Music in Me, more rock tracks, 30 ^, 18.29: Ellen Foley - We Belong To The Night, Van Halen - Runnin' with the Devil
1620 18.01 King Kong, S4-8, ute 1615-20, Greek on freq occ. covering, waltz song, 18.04: Dutch version of "Harbour Lights"-waltz, Dutch songs, 20.04: "Ja jonges, dit was de Zender King Kong", greez to stations
1636 18.10 unid, S3-6, Greek 1635 covering, Dutch songs
5040 19.27 unid, S4-6, ute 5040-43, listenable in LSB, Yankovic-polkas and waltzes, e.g. 19.29: "Oh how I miss You Tonight"-polka, 19.35: "Roseann Polka", next: "My Maria Polka", "Bye bye my Baby Polka"
1629 19.47 Luka, S6-8, Tee Set - She likes Weeds, 19.51: id, Johnny Cash - Sea of Heartbreak, cd 19.56
1645 19.53 unid, S4-7, "Alvin and the Chipmunks"-polka, German version of "Lady in Black", polka song
1638 20.07 Spakenburg, S6-8, CCR - Proud Mary - Bad Moon Rising, 20.10: id, "Jaren komen jaren gaan"-song, CCR - Green River
1647 20.15 unid, S4-7, rock tracks, 20.22: id in the disturbances, cd 20.25
1611 20.26 Atlantik, S3-6, 1602 R. Tsentr. splashing, id, rock, Dutch song, 20.33: id in the disturbances, Demis Roussos - Schönes Mädchen aus Arcadia, CCR - Have You ever seen the Rain, 20.42: "XX Radio uit Twente", 20.45: "Dit is Atlantik Studio", 20.47: Madonna - La Isla Bonita
1629 20.48 Bluebird, S5-7, version of "Johnny B Goode", Shadows' rock, country song, 20.54: greez to Alf, "Dit is de Bluebird Radio", "Dromen van jou"-waltz
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