Log 2024-10-11
Friday 2024-10-11
G4 > G2 storm continuing all day and evening long, Bz: -1 .. +1 nT, radio blackout R1 (M2.1) at 16.30 UTC, solar radiation storm weakening, noise: floor SW=S0, distorted SW signals in fast fading
5840 16.31 unid, S2-5, Dutch songs, 16.40: "I never had a Girl like You"-song, Dutch songs
5830 16.44 unid, S4-6, Harpo - Movie Star, 16.47-54 carrier only, cd, on again 16.56: carrier only, 16.57: "We're in the Right"-reggae, 17.01-02 carrier only, "Take a Walk in the Sun"-rock, cd 17.04
Stormy conditions continuing, only G1-peaks during the early evening, floor MW=S1, only carriers on 180 meters, except 1665. Fast fading SW signals.
1665 18.07 807 Radio, S3-7, QSO Meteoor, "Dit is Radio Acht Nul Zeven", instr. polka, 18.10: greez to stations, id
6170 18.27 Delta, S5-9, "Just a short test from Delta Radio", "We are coming back on SW", cd 18.30
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