Log 2024-10-29
Tuesday 2024-10-29
Unsettled ionosphere after last night's and this morning's G2-G1-peaks, Bz collapsing at 15.30 UTC, currently erratic: -7 .. +3 nT, S2 > S1 solar radiation storm continuing, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1
6295 15.54 Monique, S6-8, ute 6240-95, instr. polka, seagull screams, "Dit is Radio Monique", signature tune, 15.57: greez to Alex of Belarus, DXAce, Kiss - I was made for loving You
6380 16.03 unid, S4-6, occ. ute on freq, Dutch song, cd 16.05
1629 16.07 Ziegbok, S3-7, id, greez to Arona, German song, 16.12: greez, id, instr. R&R
6285 16.52 unid, S5-8, ute 6240-95, Dutch song, instr. R&R, instr.R&R, 16.55 moved to 6290, instr. polka, techno, cd 16.58
5835 17.00 unid, S4-6, Little Richard - Lucille, R&R and blues tracks, ass. Evropa (UKR)
1665 17.13 unid, S4-7, Rocco Granata - Marina, Suzi Quatro - If You can't give me Love, Matchbox - Buzz buzz a diddle It, Harry Nilsson - Mr. Bojangles, 17.36: Frankie Lane - Rawhide, Dutch song, Who - My Generation
1674 17.18 Black Power, S5-8, disco tracks, rock, 17.24: id, Bloodhound Gang - Along Comes Mary
1656 17.27 Tarzan, S3-6, Dutch rock version of "What shall we do with the drunken Sailor", Matchbox - Buzz buzz a diddle It, 17.35: Rolling Stones - She's like a Rainbow, id 17.40
1647 17.30 Moonbreker, S4-7, "Hey hey hey kom met mij"-song, Dutch song, 17.36: id-jingle
1611 17.43 Mike, S4-7, other carriers 1612 and 1613, rock, 17.45: "Dit is De Mike", Leonard Cohen - So long Marianne, march mx + greez
6380 17.55 Markies, S4-6, Dutch songs, 18.02: talking, "Dit is de Markies", cd 18.07
6306,3 18.08 Sombrero, S6-8, Kiss - I was made for loving You, AC / DC - Thunderstruck, 18.15 "This is Radio Sombrero from Finland, transmission on the 48 mb, 6306 kHz .....", Finnish id-jingle, email, 18.17: Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe
G1-G2-G4-G2-G1-peaks at 19-20 UTC, Bz: -7 .. -2 nT, S1 solar radiation storm continuing, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Spain +S1, SW signals in fast fading, floor MW=S1, distorted 180 meter signals
6300 19.39 Kiss AM,S3-5, disco, 19.45: Stevie Wonder - Signed sealed delivered I'm Yours, "Kiss AM", disco cavalcade: Stars On 45 - Stars on 45
5780 19.49 Mystery Theatre, S3-6, Modern Talking - You're the Lady of my Heart, 19.52: "This is Radio Mystery Theatre", disco
1620 19.57 Marianne, S5-9, Marie Jose - Mein Opa spielt Akkordeon, Duch song: "Bye bye my Baby Baby bye bye", accordeon polka, waltz song, 20.20: Dutch version of "Streets of New Orleans", 20.24: id, greez,, 20.26: "Caramia"-song, greez, id, Boney M - El Lute
1638 20.01 Turftrekker, S4-7, Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer, Guns N' Roses - Nightrain, cd 20.09-10, rock, 20.11: greez, 20.13: greez to Birmingham
6290 20.40 Blauwe Panter, S5-8, ute 6240-95, occ. ute 6285-95, Bernd Clüver - Der Junge mit der Mundharmonika, instr.polka, 20.43: talking, "Dit was de Blauwe Panter", cd 20.45
6389 20.46 unid, S4-6, 6391 CW, rock, cd 20.50
5880 20.53 Rock Revolution, S4-6, Fehlfarben – Ein Jahr (Es geht voran), rock, 21.00: "Radio Rock Revolution - all over Europe"
1648 21.55 Pereboom, S5-9, other carrier 1650, yodel waltz, "Am schönen Noordzee strand .. da gibt es blonde Mädchen"-song, instr. polka, "Die ganze Welt noch singen kann"-march polka, "Marioneden"-song, "Da sprach der alte Häuptling der Indianer"-song, 22.17: instr. polka, Freddy Quinn - Unter fremden Sternen, 22.23: id , 22.26: jazz polka version of the Bonanza theme, 22.32: "The River Kwai"-march, cd 22.35
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