Log 2024-10-30

Wednesday 2024-10-30

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -7 .. +4 nT, S1 solar radiation storm continuing, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, occ. static crashes from Russia +S1

1620      15.35     Mosfet, S4-6,  "Dit is Radio Mosfet, goede middag", "Oh Donna"-song, Fleetwood Mac  - Go your own Way, 15.38: greez to Professor, id, cd 15.40, on again 15.52, Shadows - Apache, id, QSO Arona, greez to David, id, greez, Apache continuing, cd 15.56, S6-8

1665      15.41     unid, S2-5, ute 1658-63, Dutch song, Dutch version of "Ramona", Dutch version of "Lady Sunshine Mr. Moon, 15.57: Dutch "Antonio"-song, 16.07: Lieve blonde Rosenmarie"-song, Dutch songs

1638      15.46     unid, S2-4, other carriers 1635 and 1640, Dutch song, German song, 15.59: "Zender XXonia", in QSO, rock polka, 16.05: id, Dutch songs, 16.18: "Wenn der Mondschein ist so schön"-song, Asconia ??

1620      15.50     unid, S2-4, "Viva las Vegas"-rock, cd

1611      16.12     unid, S2-5, ute 1612-19, instr. R&R, instr. R&R version of "The old spinning Wheel", 16.14: talking, id, cd-ann., big band R&R, 16.17: talking, cd 16.18

6304,4  16.22     unid, S5-7, 30 kHz wide audio, occ. ute 6302-05, "You've got what I want you've got what I Need"-rock, 16.26-27 carrier only, rock, 16.31: instr. R&R, hard rock, 16.35: Van Halen - Runnin' with the Devil, Deep Purple - Mistreated, 25^, cd 16.48

6375      16.38     Markies, S4-7, talking, id, instr. polkas + hosting, instr. polka

6290      16.49     Batavia, S5-8, ute 6240-95, Stevie Wonder - Ebony and Ivory, Italian song, 16.54: Bachmann Turner Overdrive - You ain't seen nothing Yet, Hot Chocolate - You sexy Thing, "You make me feel alive Love is in your Eye"-song, German rock, 17.10: "De beste hits aller zeiten - dit is Radio Batavia"

6305      16.52     Markies, S4-7, "Dit is koort aan de band Markies International, goede middag", instr. rock, QSO Amateur Zender Delta

1611      17.16     Monza, S4-7, rock polka, id 17.18, in QSO, Boney M - Going back West

1629      17.21     unid, S4-7, greez, Falco - Jeanny, instr. polka, polka song, ass. Turftrekker

G1-peak at 19.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -3 .. +6 nT, S1 solar radiation storm continuing, floor SW=S0, SW signals in fast fading, floor MW=S1, weakened and distorted 180 meter signals, Greeks and Balkans dominating

6305      19.06     Markies, S5-7, "Goede avond luisteraars, dit is de Markies", rock, 19.07: id, instr. polka

6300      19.08     Kiss AM, S4-6, 6305 splashing, occ. ute 6290-6300, disco, 19.12: "This is all Europe radio - Kiss AM", Eurythmics - Here comes the Rain Again

1625      19.19     unid, S3-6, 1626 Russian ann.s occ. covering, 1629 occ. splashing, instr. polkas, 18.28: polka song, instr. polkas

1647      19.23     unid, S2-6, surrounded by other carriers, Mixed Emotions - You want Love (Maria Maria), "Living on the Highway"-song, rock tracks, 19.38: several ids "Radio xxlconia", email

5810      19.44     ContiKenzo, S7-9, Dutch song, Lobo - I'd love You to want Me, Exciters - Tell Him, Vicky Leandros - Theo wir fahr'n nach Lodz, 19.54: greez to Gunter and others, 19.55: "Je sind verbonden met de ContiKenzo met een paar platjes", English id, "Leven zonder jou"-song

5880      20.00     Rock Revolution, S5-7, rock, 20.01: id-jingle

1638      21.00     unid, S1-5, other carrier 1640, waltz song, Dutch songs, rock, 21.41: "Marianne"-song, Dutch songs, S3-6

1611      21.03     Spakenburg, S3-7, Greek on freq, 1613 other carrier, German song, Dutch song, 21.05: talking, Beach Boys - Sloop John B (I wanna go Home), German song, Dutch song, 21.13: id, 21.15: greez to El Paso, Tiffany - I think We're alone Now, Peggy March - Wir beide sind nicht Romeo und Julia, 21.25: Roy Orbison - You got It

5800      21.33     ContiKenzo, S7-9, greez, "De ContiKenzo Boys", Dutch songs


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