Log 2024-11-11

Monday 2024-11-11

Calm ionosphere, Bz: -2 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from central Mediterranean +S1

6290      14.52     unid, s/on, S6-8, part of "Da sprach der alte Häuptling der Indianer"-song, part of Maddog - Kio, 14.55-57 carrier only, Dutch "Manana"-song, instr. "Arrivederci Hans", Dutch song, 15.07: Kansas - Dust in the Wind, Dutch song, 15.15-17: parts of tracks + carrier only, Dutch songs, 15.26: Die Jungen Zillertaler - Komm in mein Hexenhaus, cd 15.35, ass. Taxus

6207,2   15.19     Markies, S2-4, Kinks - Lazing on a sunny Afternoon, 15.22: id, Melanie - Lay Down, 15.24: id spelled out

6320      15.29     Intersound, S4-7, 6322U amateurs, same instr. rock playing over and over, 15.38: different rock, 15.45: French rock, more rock, 15.52: "Aan de band de Zender Intersound, so you are listening to a test transmission of Zender Intersound from the north of the Netherlands", 15.54: greez to Misti, German techno track , 16.05: instr. disco, 16.06: greez, 16.08: radiointersound (at) outlook.com, same disco continuing, 16.12: instr. rock version of some classical mx, cd 16.23

5780      16.24     unid, S4-6, ute centered 5774 splashing, disco tracks, ass. Mystery Theatre

6295      17.12     unid, S2-4, covered by ute 6240-95, occ. ute 6285-95, Dutch songs

1616      17.19     unid, S4-6, Roy Orbison - It's Over, "Have Mary say goodbye to You"-song, oldies, Dutch and German songs, 17.35: "Schön ist die Jugendzeit"-waltz

1638      17.20     Noordzee, S4-6, 1635 Greek covering, Dutch "Ding dong, bala bala geeny weeny"-song, Dutch "Cowboy"-waltz, waltz song, 17.47:id, greez to Concordia

1647      17.23     Nachtzwerver, S4-6, 1650 Greek splashing, Dutch country song, 17.33: greez, John Fogerty - Put me in Coach, rock tracks, 17.43: greez to Paul and David, id 17.50, cd

1629      17.25     Tarzan, S5-7, other carrier 1627, 1628-29 Russian occ. covering, Manfred Mann - If You gotta go go Now, 17.37: Dutch version of "Callow la vita", 17.41: Zager & Evans - In the Year 2525, id 17.51

1655      17.28     unid, S3-5, instr. polka, Dutch songs

1675      17.29     unid, S6-8, brass polka, cd

1665      17.30     unid, S4-6, other carrier 1664, 1660 Greek splashing, Dutch songs

5835      17.55     unid, s/on, S5-7, Little Richard - Long tall Sally, Jerry Lee Lewis - Great Balls of Fire,  Chuck Berry - Johnny B Goode, Elvis - Jailhouse Rock, ass. Evropa (UKR)

Unsettled ionosphere, G1-peaks at 17.30-18 UTC, Bz: 0 .. +5 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, 180 meter signals in deep fading, floor SW=S0

1620      19.03     Gouden Ster, S3-6, Dutch song, "Nescafe"-yodel polka, 19.04: "Je sind verbonden met de Radio de Sterre"

1616      19.06     unid, S2-6, surrounded by other carriers, greez, mx, 19.08: talking, greez to Achim, German songs, 19.13: talking, Dutch songs, cd 19.19

1629      19.14     Bluebird, S3-9, "Emily come back to Me" song, Dutch songs, 19.23: Heino - Wir lagen vor Madagaskar, rock, waltz song, id 19.39

1611      19.31     Luka, S3-7, Greek on freq occ. covering, other carriers 1612 and 1613, rock, 19.32: Middle Of The Road - Soley Soley, Michael Holm - Ein Tag mit Maria, 19.41: Dutch version of "The Gambler", 19.44: music id.jingle, Van Morrison - Brown eyed Girl

1620      19.34     Brugwachter, S2-6, instr. polka,id 19.35, cd 19.38

1670      19.49     Black Power, S3-7, "The Sun is burning high in the Sky"-song, Dutch song, Lobo - Me and You and a Dog named Boo, 19.57: waltz song, 20.00: Steve Miller Band - Jet Airliner, Dutch song, rock, 20.10: id

5880      20.13     Rock Revolution, S3-7, Ram Jam -Black Betty, "Radio Rock Revolution - stay tuned now"


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