Log 2024-11-15

Friday 2024-11-15

G1-peak at 13.30 UTC, G1-G2-G1-peaks at 16-18 UTC, unsettled ionosphere, Bz: -7 .. -2 nT, R1 (M1.0) radio blackout at 12 UTC, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Greece, central Mediterranean, Portugal and the sea areas to the south west of it +S1, Greeks dominating on 180 meters

6304      16.33     unid, S4-6, ute 6300-10, Knack - My Sharona, rock tracks, cd 16.48-50, CCR - Pagan Baby, instr. rock, cd 16.57

6385      16.37     Wilskracht, S6-8, recording of a rock concert, 16.52: Bryan Adams - Summer of 69, 16.58 strip: "I want some toasted white bread and fried chicken ...", Aretha Franklin - Think, 17.04: Nazareth - Love Hurts, Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper - Shallow, 17.11: "Radio Wilskracht met een kleine test", English id, greez

1611      17.14     Luka, S4-6, "Dit is Radio Luka op 1611", Dutch version of "Guardian Angel", 17.18: greez, Dutch rock, 17.22: Abba - Does your Mother Know

1647      17.19     Noordzee, S5-7, other carriers 1645, 1646 and 1650 Greek splashing, Dutch songs, 17.23: Spanish song, Yankovic polka, "You don't know me You don't like me"-country song, instr.polka, id 17.38, Jim Reeves - Bimbo

6218      17.42     unid, S6-8, other station on freq playing Russian? rock, "Slava Ukraini"-rock, cd 17.51, the other station is the one playing "россия моя россия"= "Russia my Russia" over and over, on 6218U

6325      18.20     Zomerzon, S6-8, "Godspeed John Glenn"-rock, instr. R&R, 18.26: id, German rock, 18.30: America - Horse with no Name, Rolling Stones - House of the rising Sun

G2-G1-peaks at 19.30-21 UTC, Bz:  -6 .. -2 nT, floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant statics from Türkiye, Greece, Portugal and the sea area to the south west of it +S1-2, distorted 180 meter signals, all signals in fast fading

5880      20.03     Rock Revolution, S5-8, "Radio Rock Revolution, it's only rock and roll - but I like it", 20.07: Ramona Flowers - I Dance Alone, 20.10: "This is Radio Rock Revolution - music power on SW"

6210      20.13     unid, S2-4, disco beating in the statics

3910      20.23     unid, S5-7, Vo The People + No. Korean jamming on freq, Lattie Moore - Pull Down The Blinds, oldies country and R&R songs, 20.30: Johnny Cash - The kneeling Drunkard's Plea

1625      20.37     Turftrekker, S5-8, Dutch song, 20.40: "De telefonist"-song, 20.42: greez, rock, 20.46: Joan Jett - I love Rock and Roll, id 21.02

1636      20.49     Mi Amigo, S4-7, other carrier 1635, greez to Casablanca, Los Bravos - Black is Black, Mamas & Papas - Monday Monday, 20.54: greez to Nachtrijder, 20.58: Moody Blues - Question, 21.00:
greez to Kees, id

1611      21.40    Kruik, S4-7, waltz song, 21.43: "Luisteraars je sind verbonden met de Kruik", greez, instr. polka, German waltz song, "Annemarie"-polka

6320       21.52     Delta, S4-6, Salvatore Amado - Vous Permettez Monsieur, Motörhead - Ace of Spades, Fischer Z - So Long, Heart - Barracuda, 22.12: part of Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer, Dutch talking, 22.15: talking to Markies, cd 22.22

6327      21.54     Markies, S4-6, ute 6328, Dutch songs, moved to 6305

6305      22.04     Markies, S4-6, big band rock, instr. polkas, 22.10: talking, 22.15: instr. polka, "Attentie Zender Delta"


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