Log 2024-11-17

Sunday 2024-11-17

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz negative 5-13 UTC, currently erratic: -3 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, occ. static crashes from Türkiye +S1

6950      15.00     Voyager, S6-8, instr. jazz tracks, 15.07 id-jingle

6935      15.04     Argus, S4-6, rock tracks, 15.11: "You're listening to Radio Argus"

6300      16.32     Bothnian Bay, S7-9, "You're listening to Radio Bothnian Bay from Finland", email, Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus - Surupuku, "This is Radio Bothnian Bay - Finnish rock music on SW- enjoy, today Radio Bothnian Bay plays Finnish heavy metal"

6290      16.35     JT, S7-9, Joel Hallikainen - Kuurankukka, Doris Day - Que Sera Sera, Dutch song, 16.45: "This is Johnny Tobacco closing down, audio is bad, sorry for transmission", Dutch song, greez, 16.50: "This is Abu Dhabi Radio tonight", greez to DXAce, Tina Turner - We don't need another Hero

6320      16.40     unid, S3-5, Fischer Z - So Long, "Oh Marlene"-rock, France Gall - Der Computer Nr.3, Dutch song, 17.27: Juice Newton - Queen of Hearts, rock

5780      16.53     Mystery Theatre, S4-6, instr. aor track, 16.54: "You're listening to Radio Mystery", disco

5880      16.55     Rock Revolution, S5-7, ute on freq, rock tracks, 16.59: "Radio Rock Revolution - rock at its best", Beatles - Magical mystery Tour

6235      17.01     Batavia, S6-8, thanking for a report from Finland, s/on-country polka, Roger Whittaker - If I were a rich Man

1647      17.06     Moonbreker, "Micaela"-song, S2-7, "Das war ein Hokus Pokus"- ragtime children's song, Dutch song, 17.13: "Bij de jukebox"-song, waltz songs, 19.21: "Tante van Canada, tante van Panama"-song, 17.23: thanking for reports, id

6260      17.33      Monique, S5-7, ute 6240-95 covering, Tornados - Telstar, Michael Jackson - Don’t stop 'til You get Enough, s/on-fanfares, "Radio Monique International", greez to Lowland, DXAce and others, 17.41: Michael Jackson - Beat It

Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -6 .. 0 nT, noise: floor MW=S1

1639      19.24     unid, S2-6, other carriers 1637 and 1640, Dutch songs, 20.38: Herman Lippinkhof - Klokken luiden voor Marianne, German song, 21.09: Keith Marshall - Only Crying

1611      19.27     unid, S5-9, other carrier on freq, Dutch songs, 19.50: Dutch version of "Down by the Riverside", 20.00: greez to Goran and others, 20.01: greez to Blauwe Hond, King Kong, waltz song, 20.04: greez to Kleine Man

1629      19.32     unid, S3-7, 1630 Greek covering, listenable in LSB, "El baion"-song, train whistling waltz, 19.55: Rocco Granata - Marina, 20.45: Byrds - Mr. Tambourine Man, Seekers - Turn turn Turn, 20.57: Ro-D-Ys - Take her Home, 20.59: "XX Radio, goede avond", Sonny & Cher - Little Man, 20.03: Raymond Froggatt - Callow la vita, Kinks - Death of a Clown, pres. Blauwe Fazant

1620      19.35     Gouden Ster, S5-9, Dutch songs, 19.44: "Je sind verbonden met de Radio de Sterre", "Marion"-waltz

1655      20.15     unid, S6-8, other carriers 1652 and 1653, "Rosalina kom dans met mij"-song, instr. R&R , 20.18: Valencia Radio (E) on freq , 20.20: Dutch songs, 20.22: "Blumen aus dem fremden Land"-song, cd 20.24

1670       20.26     Vonkentrekker, S3-7, "Kleine Eva"-song, Cindy & Bert - Immer wieder Sonntags ,"Ich erzähle die Ukulele"- country song, 20.31: greez to Casablanca, id, 20.33: id-jingle, Nena - Leuchtturm

1655      21.18     Witte Raaf, S3-7, Hollies - Stop stop Stop, 21.23: Simon & Garfunkel - El Condor Pasa, 21.26: Move - Flowers in the Rain, Slade -  Mama Weer all crazee Now, 21.30: id, Roger Whittaker - New World in the Morning


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