Log 2024-11-2
Saturday 2024-11-2
Increasingly more unsettled ionosphere since 10 UTC, Bz: -5 .. +10 nT, elevated proton flux subsiding, noise: floor SW=S0
6307,5 15.21 unid, S4-6, modulation difficulties, drifting up, Donna Summer - I Feel Love, rock tracks
6290 15.23 Flux AM, S4-6, ute 6240-95, Mo-Do - Eins Zwei Polizei, techno song, 15.28: "Send your reception reports to Flux AM", email
6280 15.29 unid, S5-7, ute 6240-95, Barry Ryan - Eloise, Italian song, 15.37: Aphrodite's Child - Rain And Tears, Dutch rock, 15.41-42 carrier only, Bobby Darin - If i were a Carpenter, 15.51: Shania Twain - That don't impress me Much, French song, 15.54-56 carrier only, cd
6210 15.55 King SW, S4-6, rock tracks, 16.01: id-jingle
6301 16.02 Vrolijke Frans, S5-7, ute 6300-05, other carrier 6300, instr. polkas, 16.05: Dutch country song, 16.07: "Dit is Radio Vrolijke Frans uit Twente", German song
5880 16.11 Rock Revolution, S4-6, Lucien Moon -Tainted, id
Unsettled ionosphere, Bz: -5 .. +5 nT, somewhat elevated proton flux, noise: floor SW=S0, SW signals in fast fading, floor MW=S1, , constant static crashes from the Middle East, eastern and western Mediterranean, Algeria +S1
5800 18.53 ContiKenzo, S6-8, greez to Kees, "Listeners, you're listening to the ContiKenzo Boys, we play a couple of records and then we're closing down", 18.57: Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz, 19.02: id, "Experimentelle aan de band hier, low power, low tower", instr. techno polka tracks
6285 19.08 Weekend Music , S5-7, ute 6240-95, "From Moscow to Milan we are Weekend Music Radio", cd-ann., email, cd-jazz, 19.09: German id-jingle, "Weekend Music Radio playing all over Europe", bag pipe mx, 19.11: "This is WMR signing on"
6400 19.13 unid, S5-7, rock concert recording
5035 19.21 Deltracks, S5-7, disco, 19.23: Dutch music id- jingle
1620 19.25 unid, S7-9, Dutch songs
1670 19.28 unid, S5-7, "Aan de noordpool wil ik drauen"-polka, waltz song, Dutch songs
1647 19.30 Moonbreker, S6-8, German "Oh Lady Marmalade"-song, 19.35: greez to Mauritz, Spanningzoeker, Mi Amigo, Vouter, id
1665 19.38 Vonkentrekker, S5-7, 1670 splashing, jingle: "Dit is Radio Vonkentrekker", waltz song
1629 19.39 unid, S4-6, Greek 1630 covering, Dutch songs
G1-peaks at 20-22 UTC, Bz: -10 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, statics +S1, SW signals in fast fading
6208 21.45 LHH, S5-7
6300 21.49 unid / Weekend Music, S4-6
6305 22.02 Key Channel Radio, S4-6
6309 22.09 pres. Markies, S4-6, rock tracks, instr. polkas
6931 22.22 pres. Indy, S3-5
5800 22.27 ContiKenzo, S6-8
5843 22.28 pres. Joey, S7-9
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