Log 2024-11-23

Saturday 2024-11-23

Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, occ. static crashes from Kaliningrad +S1, R1 (M1.2) radio blackout at 16 UTC > rattling SW and MW signals

6290      13.56     unid, S5-8, "Auto kaputt in einer Minut"-song, German songs, rock and disco tracks, German songs, ass. Taxus

6210      14.06     unid, S5-7, techno disco, cd 14.08

6875      15.37     Europe (I), S4-6, occ. ute 6874-77, occ. ute 6878-88, aor tracks, 15.57: "This is the reggae station of Frank, the station of rock - Radio Europe"

5835      15.49     unid, S5-7, R&R track, 15.51- carrier only, ass. Evropa (UKR)

5805      15.52     unid / Golden Oldies, S6-8, Dutch song, 15.53: Beatles - Blackbird singing in the Dead of Night, 15.55: "De beste oldies - Golden Oldies Radio", 16.00: Golden Oldies nieuws

6325      16.03     Weekend Music, S4-6, ute 6300-30 covering, British spoken comedy programme, 16.12: id, Gerry Rafferty - Night Owl

6210      16.07     King SW, S4-6, rock, reggae, 16.12: id-jingle

1656      16.15     Tarzan, S1-5, trumpet+band polka, "Baby lass mich sein"-song, big band rock, 16.20: talking, greez to Goran, "Paulin Paulin"-song, 16.45: greez to Paul: "This is Radio Tarzan from the northeast of the Netherlands"

1636      16.16     Mi Amigo, S2-6, Dutch song, 16.17: greez, polkas, Dutch and German songs, 16.50: greez to Paul, "This is Radio de Mi Amigo", "Ai ai mamma mia"-song

1620      16.50     unid, s/on, S4-6, waltz song, cd 16.53 

1674      16.53     unid, S1-5, other carrier 1675, instr. polka, instr. "Can Can"-dance, instr. polka, Donovan - Colours, "Mariote"-song, whistling polka song, carrier only, cd 17.10

1629      16.58     Torpedojager, S2-6, occ. other carrier 1630, "Rosenkranz"-waltz, waltz song, "Kleine tsu tsu tsu"-song, polka songs, 17.12: whistling+big band polka, Dutch version of "Winni winni wanna wanna"-song, 17.17: "Grosse pun en dikke pun"-waltz, polka song, "Ganz ohne Liebe kann man nicht .. Liebe sie ist wieder schön"-song, 17.26: polka song, 30^, waltz song with cuckoo sounds, "The Memory of your Smile"-song, 17.34: accordion polka, 17.36: id

1620      17.13     Balconia, S1-4, other carrier 1621, "Thank you for your report, low power here, this is Radio Balconia", Dutch song

Another R1 (M1.1) radio clackout at 18 UTC, G2-G1-G2-peaks at 19.30-21.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -7 .. +7 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, distorted 180 meter signals, Greeks, Balkans and Russians dominating

1655      19.43     pres. Yogi S4-9, Bon Jovi - Livin' on a Prayer, Dutch song, Boyzone - No matter What, Dire Straits - Walk of Life, 19.59: Bruce Springsteen - My Hometown

1638      19.54     Eigen Risico, S3-6, other carrier 1640, Hawaii guitar+band polkas, 19.57: id, greez to Ziegbok, instr. polka, 20.02: greez to Marianne, Arona, "Miranda on my Honda"-song

1620      20.50     unid / Igloo, S2-5, Greek on freq covering, other carrier 1621, Dutch version of "Immer wieder Sonntags", 21.00: Radio Igloo s/on announcements, 21.06: chairman of the Westcoast DX Club speaking , 21.11: email, Alf, the secretary of the club, talking about a Grenadan station, The Harbour Light Of The Windwards, religious song, 21.20: email, "And remember Igloo is spelled with double o", this time presenting Deutschlandfunk, 21.23: DLF interval signal + Swedish announcement, 21.26: totally covered by a Greek on freq 

1629      20.55     Blauwe Koe, S3-6, Greek on freq, rock, 20.56 id, greez, 

1675      20.57     Matrix, S3-6, 1674 Balkan covering, rock, 21.00: greez to Ben, George Harrison - My sweet Lord, rock, 21.07: id, email, Raymond Froggatt - Callow la vita


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