Log 2024-11-27

Wednesday 2024-11-27

Calm ionosphere, Bz: 0 .. +6 nT, effects of daytime R1 (M1.0) radio blackouts subsiding, noise: floor SW=S0

6295      15.00     Taxus, S6-9, ute 6240-95, instr. polkas, 15.09: live id, greez, instr. polkas, 15.12-15 jammed by another station on 6294,5 with Russian ann.s

6305      15.04     unid, unassessable, covered by ute 6300-25, Queen - Another one bites the Dust, rock, cd 15.06

6285      15.06     unid, S5-7, ute 6240-95, instr. polka, big band polka, cd 15.08

5780      15.17     Mystery Theatre, S4-6, disco, 15.24: "You're listening to Radio Mystery", disco

6935      15.26     Argus, S5-7, "This is Radio Argus on 6,935 MHz", Kiss - Crazy crazy Nights, hosting, email

6285      15.38     unid, S5-7, ute 6240-95, big band polka, techno polka, accordion polka, cd 15.45

6325,5  15.43     Markies, S4-6, ute 6300-25, Dutch song, instr. polka, 15.48: "Adios adios adios"-polka, Danny Cardo - Spreek je ook hollands, 15.54: "Goede avond amateurs en luisteraars, dit is de Markies met een kort toest", "Mexico Mexico"-song, 15.58: hosting, "Dit is de Markies aan de band", email, 15.59: Lemon Pipers - My green Tambourine, 16.02: hosting + Rolling Stones - Paint it Black, talking about modulation, 16.11: Heart - Barracuda

6300      16.31     Markies, S4-6, ute 6300-25, "Dit is de Markies kort aan de band", big band polka, on again at 16.37, Dutch song, 16.38: id, QSO Taxus, cd 16.40 

6300      16.32     Taxus, S6-9, ute 6300-25, QSO Markies, Dutch song, cd 16.36, on again at 16.46: QSO Markies, id, cd 16.48

5835      17.37     pres. Evropa, S5-7, Ukrainian songs


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