Log 2024-11-5

Tuesday 2024-11-5

Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -8 .. +4 nT, R1 (M2.4) radio blackout at 14 UTC, R1 (M4.2) radio blackout at 15 UTC, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1

6935      16.01     Argus, S4-6, 6936 CW covering, "You're listening to Radio Argus"

5780      16.04     Mystery Theatre, S4-6, Randy Crawford - Street Life, Sister Sledge - He's the greatest Dancer, rock and disco tracks, 17.07: "You're listening to Radio Mystery Theatre"

1620      16.16     unid + unid, unassessable, two Dutch stations on freq interchanging, the weaker playing Dutch songs, the stronger (S6-9) playing: "If Teardrops were Pennies"-song, Left Side - You are always welcome to my House, 16.23: weaker talking and covered by the stronger playing: instr. polka, waltz song, Dutch and German songs, 16.41: "Wenn die Abschied kommt dann kommen Tränen"-song

1645      16.25     unid, S3-5, Russian on freq, talking, instr. "Cuckoo"-waltz, cd 16.26

1647      16.29     Digital, S5-8, other carrier 1646, Dutch song, 16.32: thanking Arona for report, 16.36: greez, id, Lobo - I'd love You to want Me 

1638      16.37     Noordzee, S3-6, id, in QSO, "Soldat"-march polka song

6295      16.52     unid, S3-5, ute 6240-95, Dutch songs, 16.57: Dutch version of "Oh lonesome Me", 16.59: Queen - You're my best Friend, Dutch songs

G2-G1-peaks at 18-20.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -7 .. +1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, signals weakening, SW signals in fast fading, distorted 180 meter signals

6945      18.29     Misti, S4-6, Ben E. King - Stand by Me, 18.30: greez to Josef, "Dit is Misti Radio", 18.33: Archies - Sugar Sugar

1645      18.35     unid, S5-7, 1640 Greek splashing, accordion polka, "Roseann why did You Go"-polka, instr. polka, 18.45: version of "Que Sera Sera", cd 18.47

1635      18.42     unid, S4-6, polka song, Dutch version of "Callow la vita", Dutch song, 18.49: Greek to freq and overriding

6300      18.51     unid, S4-6, cavalcade of shortened Beatles' hits = Stars on 45, rock tracks

6306,3   18.59     Sombrero, S4-6, English id-jingle, rock

6290      19.06     unid, unassessable, covered by ute 6240-95, occ. ute 6290-6300, Greek based Dutch song

6290      20.59     unid, S6-8, ute 6240-95, rock tracks, cd 21.06

5800      21.08     ContiKenzo, S6-8, instr. rock, greez to Henk, "Je sind verbonden met de ContiKenzo experimentelle aan de band", Outfield - I don't want to lose your Love Tonight

5880      21.15     Rock Revolution, S5-7, id-jingle

1665      21.18     Armada, S5-7, greez, 21.19: Spanish id-jingle, instr. R&R, "Cumberland Gap"-country song, R&R tracks

1629      21.26     Piet Ampere, S7-9, 1627 Greek splashing, German songs, 21.32: instr. polka , "Es war ein Edelweiss"-song, 21.36: "Dit is aan de band Zender Piet Ampere", greez to Alf, King Kong and others


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