Log 2024-12-12

Thursday 2024-12-12

Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -4 .. +1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1

1647      14.34     Digital, S2-6, piano R&R, "Hello hello, test 1,2", "Hello, hello, hello", 14.37: test tones, carrier only

1620      14.38     unid, S2-4, Dutch songs, 15.26: greez to Uitzendkracht and others, ass. Derde Man

1660      14.43     Studio 19, s/on, S2-6, 14.45: talking, Dave Dudley - Six Days on the Road, Elvis - Don't be Cruel, 14.48: talking, Billie Jo Spears - 57 Chevrolet, country songs, 14.54: talking, Eddie Cochran C'mon Everybody, 14.55: id, cd

1645      14.57     unid, S2-5, other carrier 1646, Cats - One Way Wind, 15.24: march mx

5830      15.30     unid, unassessable, ute 5770-5840, disco tracks, pres. Mystery Theatre

1620      15.41     Schaduwjager, s/on, S5-8, Shadows mx, 15.42: QSO Derde Man, id, Shadows continuing, 17.43: id, cd

6300      15.45     Monique, S6-8, id, s/on-jingles, 15.47: greez to Pascal of Klazienaveen, Terry, "Dit is Radio Monique Internationaal", operaton name, "This is Europe's number one free radio station", REO Speedwagon - Keep on loving You, hosting, dedicated to Terry: "Kite to the Shortwave Radio"-song, hosting, 16.01: John Paul Young - Love is in the Air

1647      16.22     Digital, S3-7, Manfred Mann - Ha ha said the Clown, 16.23: greez to Ben,  Outfield - Your Love, 16.26: greez to Monte Carlo, id, Rolling Stones - Rebel Rebel, cd 16.39

1610      16.28     unid Russian station, S2-6, Dutch 1611 occ. covering, Dschinghis Khan - Moskau

1611      16.32     Digital, S3-7, Russian 1610 occ. covering, greez to Maurits, Dutch version of " Volga Volga, Стенька Разин, Stenka Razin", Dutch songs, 16.40: greez to stations, German version of              "Michaela"-song, German song, 16.44: German version of Trini Lopez - Bye bye Blondie, Dutch waltz song, 16.51: greez to Casablanca, 16.54: greez to Eigen Risico, id

1629      16.56      Quintus, S2-6, Yankovic "Okey dokey She's Ok"-polka, brass band polka, instr. polka, 17.00: "XX uit de Veluwe"id, greez to Ben, 17.03: id, cd 17.04

Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. +1 nT, R1 (M2.2) radio blackout at 17.30 UTC, floor MW=S1, 180 meter signals weakening

1638      17.38     Marskramer, S4-6, "Mucho my Love"-song, 17.40: greez to Paul, "Also to listeners outside of the Netherlands,  this is the Marskramer Radio from the north coast of the Netherlands", at 20.00: S6-9

1611      17.46     unid, S2-5, other carrier 1610 covering, Dutch version "No particular Place to Go", Dutch song, 20.21: Ray Peterson - Corinna Corinna

1620      17.49     unid, S3-5, Greek on freq, country songs,20. 22: "Take me Home Country Roads"-song

1656      17.57     unid, S6-9, other carrier on freq, Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer, Dutch song, 18.04: Dutch "Stand By"-song, yodel "Prairie"-polka

1625      18.03     unid, S4-7, other carrier on freq covering, "You are my Sunshine my only Sunshine"-song, 18.07: version of "Yellow Rose of Texas", country song, 18.12: "Wabash Cannonball"-song

1628      18.19     unid, S3-6, CCR - The Midnight Special, Diesel - Down in the Silvermine

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -2 .. +6 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, distorted 180 meter signals in fast fading

1620      19.47     unid, S4-7, Dutch songs, 19.59: Dutch "Corinna my Darling Corinna"-song

1655      20.48     unid, S3-7, instr. polka, "Dit is de aller eerste keer"-song, polka song, Dutch songs

1629      20.53     Blauwe Fazant, S3-7, instr. waltz, 20.55: id, "Oh how I miss my wife Ruby"-song, clarinet+band polka, "Laila heute Nacht muss ich dich wieder sehen"-tango, German jazz song, 21.08: German version of "Buena buena notte", German songs, 21.11: "Tränen und Rosen"-song, 21.17: greez to Paul, "Aan de band de Blauwe Fazant"

1673      21.21     Armada, S3-7, Dutch song, Rolling Stones - Get off of my Cloud, 21.25: whistling, 21.26: Buffalo Springfield - For what it's Worth, Rolling Stones - The last Time, 21.33: live id, Fortunes - Caroline 


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