Log 2024-12-13

Friday 2024-12-13

Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz negative since 8 UTC, currently -5 .. -3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, occ. static crashes from the Tyrrhenian Sea, Gulf of Lion +S1, floor MW=S1

6285      15.16     pres. JT, S7-9, occ. ute 6285-95, ute 6240-95, Billy Joel - Uptown Girl, Abba - Thank You for the Music playing over and over, cd 15.29

6395      15.22     unid, S4-6, Coldplay - When I ruled the World, Dance Monkey - Tones and I, cd 15.28

6295      15.31     pres. Ronalisa, S3-5, ute 6240-95, occ. ute 6285-95, instr. polka, "Bella Donna goodbye auf Wiedersehen"-waltz, 17.33 covered by 6300, 15.40: Dutch songs, techno tracks, Bryan Adams - Summer of 69, laser gun whistles, polka song, S4-6

6300      15.33     pres. JT, S6.8, Engelbert Humperdinck - Quando Quando Quando, Bobby Darin - Dream Lover, Elvis - Can't help falling in Love, 15.38: moved 6300>6285, covered by carrier 6285-90, 15.41 moved to 6280, ute 6240-95, Platters - Only You, Vengaboys - Shalala Lala, 15.47: part of Neil Diamond - Sweet Caroline, part of Little Eva - Locomotion, 15.49: "No id, no reception report"

6305      16.31     pres. JT, 6-8, occ. ute 6300, greez, Barbarella - We cheer You Up, Harry Brandelius - Han hade seglat för om masten

1611      16.39     Mike, S2-7, Dutch song, 16.40: "mikeradio.nl", Dutch songs

1656      16.42     Tarzan, S2-6, "Why can't We live in Peace"-song, "High Time You Went"-song, instr. R&R, id 16.50

1620      16.47     Schaduwjager, S3-7, other carrier 1618, Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing, 16.59: "Luisteraars, dit is de Muscaria", Boney M - Calimba de luna

1639      16.52     Witte Tornado, S2-6, other carrier 1640, "Dit is Witte Tornado en De Lady, goede avond", Dutch song

1636      17.06     unid, S2-5, 1635 Greek covering, instr. waltz

1631      17.09     unid, S2-6, 1630 Greek covering, Dutch waltz song, Dutch songs

1629      17.11     unid, S2-5, 1630 Greek covering, "Trulla oh Trulla"-polka, Dutch songs

1648      17.13     unid, S2-5, other carrier 1646, Dutch songs

1620      18.22     Alabama, S4-7, Russian amateurs on freq occ. covering, Rod Stewart - Da Ya think I'm Sexy, Leroy Pullins - I'm a Nut, Earth And Fire - Memories, instr. R&R, 18.32: id, greez to Paul: "Keep on listening to the Radio Alabama", more greez, Rockwell - Somebody's watching Me, 20.06: Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Big Weekend, cd 20.08, S5-8

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. +3 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, occ. statics +S1, fast fading 180 meter signals

1611      19.50     Bizon, S5-8, other carrier on freq, Chris Andrews - Yesterday Man, German version "Adios adios Sonja, ich träume von dir"-waltz, German and Dutch songs, instr. polkas, 20.10: Kincade - Dreams are ten a Penny, Chris Montez - Let's Dance, Crispian St. Peters - The Pied Piper, Dutch song, 30^, Dutch song, 22.03: greez to Guido of Belgium, 22.06: id, 22.07: greez to Jari, UKDXer, to Birmingham, "From the Netherlands Zender Bizon"

1670      20.23     Vonkentrekker, S5-7, Greek on freq, Chris Rea - Driving home for Christmas, id-jingle, Dutch song, 22.29: Soft Cell - Tainted Love, Dutch version of "Weine nicht kleine Eva"-waltz

1629      21.01     unid, S3-5, yodel polka, CCR - Looking out my Back Door, Rolling Stones - Jumpin' Jack Flash, Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle with You, Dutch version of "Can Can"-song, "Oh oh Catarina"-song

1636      21.21     Lighthouse, S4-7, "This is Lighthouse Radio on SW", ancient American talk about a coming election, 21.27: "Once upon a time .."-disco = Cerrone - Supernature, 21.36: "This is Lighthouse Radio test transmission on 1636", email, greez to R. Cuckoo and others, instr. jazz rock, , 21.42: Happy Xmas greez to me, thanks, likewise !


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