Tuesday 2024-12-17
Several G2-G3 storm periods between yesterday 22 UTC and 12 UTC today, latest G1-G2-peaks at 14.30-16 UTC and , Bz currently -1 .. +10 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1
1620 15.30 unid, S2-4, Greek on freq, German song, instr.polka, 17.43: greez to Noordster, id, instr. polka
1647 16.32 Digital, S3-7, Bob Dylan - The Times They are a-Changin', 16.37: Monkees - Daydrem Believer, Fleetwood Mac - Albatross, CCR - Suzie Q, 16.54: greez, id
1657 16.35 Mike, S3-7, extended version of Ultravox - Dancing with Tears in my Eyes, 16.41: waltz song, Motels - Suddenly last Summer, waltz song, Dutch song, 16.55: Kim Wilde - Cambodia, Dutch song, 17.02: "Mike Mike Mike Radio"
1635 16.48 unid, S2-6, Andy Williams - It's the most wonderful Time of the Year, Kelly Clarkson - Underneath the Tree, techno polka, Dutch songs, 1628 splashing, 17.26: Dorthe - Ich werde hundert Jahre alt, Dutch rock, 17.32: Flippers - Sayonara
1628 17.08 Pontiak, s/on, S4-8, instr. R&R, instr. techno, 17.13: Classics - Papa Peppone, Billy Jo Spears - Sing me an old fashioned Song, 17.20: German version of "Nuevo Laredo", 17.23: greez, id, march mx
6300 17.39 Abu Dhabi, S6-8, greez to Paul, "This is 250 watts", 17.40: Hank Williams - You were on my lonely Mind, 17.43: "This is Abu Dhabi Radio, just for a little fun", greez to London, Ray
G1-peak at 17.30 UTC, Bz: -5 .. +5 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, occ. statics from the Atlantic some 1500 km west of Spain +S1, distorted 180 meter signals
1611 19.05 Spakenburg, S5-8, Dutch song, 19.07: "Dit is Radio Spakenburg met een kort test", 19.09: "Die alte Dampf Eisenbahn"-song, 19.19: Equals - Baby come Back, 19.25: Mary Hopkin - Goodbye, in Dutch: "Marianne is waiting to start on 1620", cd 19.28
1638 19.29 unid, S3-7, 1635 Greek occ. splashing, Dutch and German songs, 19.39: Sandra - Maria Magdalena, Dutch songs, 19.55: Dutch version of "Marina Marina", 30^, Crosby Stills Nash & Young - Marakesh Express
1644 19.36 Eigen Risico, S3-7, other carrier 1645, Dutch songs, 48: "Dit is aan de band Risico met een paar platjes", greez
1620 19.45 Marianne, S4-8, Greek on freq, Lynn Anderson - Rose Garden, German "Senorita"-song
1655 20.05 Armada, S4-8, instr. polka, 20.06: "Test, 1,2, dit is Radio Armada", in QSO, several ids, instr. polka, 20.11: id, instr. polkas, cd 20.13
1652 20.55 Bandito Radio, S7-9, id, QSO Armada, 20.56: "Dit is voor jou Armada, Bandito Radio", thanking Abu Dhabi for a nice broadcast, cd 20.58-21.05, rock, QSO Armada, rock, instr. polkas + QSO, country version of "The old Spinning Wheel" + instr. country mx, cd 21.15
1652,5 21.00 Armada, S5-8, rock, QSO Bandito with S9+20, rock, cd 21.04-16, march mx on 1652,0, QSO Bandito, march mx, 21.19: Roy Orbison - Oh pretty Woman, 21.22: Dutch id-jingle, brass polka, cd 21.25
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