Log 2024-12-24

Tuesday 2024-12-24, Christmas Eve

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -2 .. +6 nT, R1 (M4.2) radio blackout at 8.30 UTC, elevated proton flux weakening, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1

6045      11.00     Nauen 100 kW / Telstar / Radio 60, s/on, S9-S9+10, s/on-announcements in English and German, Status Quo - Rockin' all over the World

6207      13.03     Mordor, S7-9, occ. u march polka, 13.05: "Radio Mordor wishes you Merry Christmas", Wham - Last Christmas, 13.07: greez to Fox of Norway, Dutch "Sendpiraat"-song, 13.11: Xmas greetings to me, thanks, likewise to You ! 13.15: Xmas greez to Fisherman, 13.16: Xmas greez to all despite the conditions, 13.19: Eagles - Hotel California, 13.26: Dire Straits - Money for Nothing , 13.30: cd-ann., Xmas greez to everybody, CCR - The Midnight Special, 13.34: greez to reporters, id, part of  The Swedish National Anthem, 13.36: "Radio Mordor is now closing down", Neil Young - Rockin' in the free World, cd-rock and ann., falling airplane sounds, 13.38 cd 

1611      13.53     Zwarte Man, S3-7, Dutch "Mustafa"-rock on and on, 13.59 "Zwarte Man uit Twente"
1630      13.54     unid, S3-5, Dutch songs
1649      13.55     unid, S3-6, instr. rock, 14.08: in QSO, 14.09: "Dit was de XX, goede dag", cd 14.10
1674      13.58     unid, S4-6, Dutch song, 14.00: covered by Stockholm Radio on freq, 14.03: Fischer Z - So Long
1645      14.00     Kristal, S4-6. "Träumen der Liebe sind so wunderbar"-song, in QSO    
1630      14.04     ass. Zwarte Boekanier, S4-6, thanking for reports, humor polka song, Dutch version of "Mendocino"

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -3 .. +2 nT, R1 (M1.2) radio blackout at 14 UTC, elevated proton flux continuing, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from central Mediterranean, distorted SW signals in fast fading, floor MW=S1

6950      15.15     Voyager, S5-7, amateurs on freq, Dean Martin - Let it Snow, "12 Days of Christmas"-song, 15.20: Italian id-jingle

6300      15.21     JT, S7-9, fax 6302, "Blackjack County Chain"-song, Jimi Hendrix Experience - All along the Watchtower, Demis Roussos - My Friend the Wind, 15.31: greez to R. Mirabel

6290      15.27     unid, S4-7, 6300 occ. splashing, rock, 15.33: Dutch song, Louis Armstrong - What a wonderful World, Dutch songs, rock and techno tracks

6210      15.40     unid, S2-4, Dutch songs

6393      15.41     unid, S2-4, ute 6394-96, Xmas song, 17.44: id-jingle, Hedgehoppers Anonymous - It's good News Week, 17.49: talking about R. Veronica, ass. WMBR

5800      15.52     Akenzo, S7-9, occ. ute 5800-10, "Test, hello, hello, test, 1,2", 15.53: "Je sind verbonden met de Zender Akenzo", instr. R&R

5840      15.54     unid / Golden Oldies, S5-7, ute 5840-45, listenable in LSB only, jazz version of Merry Xmas Everybody, 15.57: Dutch hosting, Dutch songs, 17.00: Golden Oldies nieuws, 17.02-: carrier only

5880      15.58     Rock Revolution, S6-8, ute on freq, rock, 16.03: id-jingle

1665      16.05     Meteoor, S3-6, instr. polka, greez to Arona

1646      16.07     unid, S3-6, instr. rock, cd 16.09

1638      16.19     Nachtzwerver, unassessable, 1635 Greek splashing, other carrier 1640, in QSO, version of "The Midnight Special", 16.21:id, part of Amii Stewart - Knock on Wood, cd 16.21

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. +2 nT, R1 (M1.3) radio blackout at 16.30 UTC, elevated proton flux continuing, noise: floor MW=S1, occ. static crashes from eastern Mediterranean +S1, R1 (M1.1) radio blackout at 20.30 UTC

1656      19.17     Tarzan, S5-7, 1660 Greek splashing, Les Red Orchrstra - Man of Action, Xmas song, Roland W. - Cindy Jane, German song, 19.26: Shadows - Apache, Dutch song, 19.32: Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire, Dutch song, 19.37: Billy Joe Royal - Down in the Boondocks, 19.39: id

Possibly something on 1611, 1620 and 1639, but all covered by Greeks on freq or adjacent freq

1662      20.52     unid, S3-6, ute 1659-61, other carrier 1665, Tony Orlando - Tie a yellow Ribbon round the old Oak Tree, polka songs, Dutch songs, country songs

1629      21.16     unid, S5-7, Russian and Greek on freq, Alphaville - Big in Japan, Guns N' Roses track, instr. polka, 21.27: "Help me make it through the Night"-song, rock tracks, cd 21.38, no id


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