Log 2024-12-27
Friday 2024-12-27
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -2 .. +3 nT, elevated proton flux weakening, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1
6280 14.48 Solar R., S4-6, rock, 14.52: Dutch hosting, id, disco
6295 14.53 Ronalisa, S5-7, French song, instr. polka, 14.55: "On SW you're listening to Radio Ronalisa", email, Chris Andrews - Pretty Belinda
6393 14.58 unid, S2-4, ute 6394-97, rock tracks, ass. Pandora (UK)
5870 15.13 Pirana, S4-7, ute 5871-74, Eagles - Hole in the World, Latin American rhythms+song, rock tracks, 15.29: Vanessa Paradis - Joe le taxi, 15.33: "Radio Pirana"
6260 15.36 Intersound, S3-5, occ. ute 6260-70, rock version of "Oh Holy Night", rock, 15.38: talking, rock version of a Christmas carol, hard rock, 15.45: "This is Intersound Radio", Dutch talking, 15.46: rock version "Oh Holy Night", 15.51: talking, classical song version of "Oh Holy Night", 15.56: "Intersound Radio"
6290 16.21 unid, S4-7, rock tracks, 16.23: "Bye bye, you're listening to XX", cd, covered by jamming between 4-15 MHz, which has occasionally appeared during the whole Christmas time, picture of the 48 m band below
5801 16.32 unid, S4-6, Dutch hosting + Steppenwolf - Born to be Wild, Supremes - Baby Love, cd 16.35
5880 16.38 Rock Revolution, S5-7, "Radio Rock Revolution"
1611 17.35 unid, S1-5, other carrier on freq, ute 1606-09, Dutch song, Andrea Berg - Du hast mich tausendmal belogen
1647 17.36 unid, S2-7, big band polka, panflute+band polka, instr. polkas
1655 17.42 unid, S1-5, "Papi papi papi"-polka, "C'est la vie"- rock
Calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -4 .. +2 nT, elevated proton flux gradually weakening, noise: floor MW=S1, weak and distorted 180 meter signals, besides these four stations only Greeks on 180 meters
1629 19.33 unid, S4-7, "Die Sommer ist wieder vorbei .. malaica, malaica .. du hast mich glüclich gemacht"-song, "Rosmarie, wenn du traurig bist, komm in meine Armen"-song, German songs, 20.00: Dschinghis Khan - Moskau, parts of German songs
1656 19.41 Technische Man, S3-6, 1660 Greek splashing, "Ein Tag mit dir"-song, German song, "Du kenns mich, sag mir liebst du mich"-song, rock tracks, German songs, 19.58: id in Dutch and English
1646 20.08 Eigen Risico, S3-6, Dutch polka song, Dutch waltz songs, 20.13: instr. polkas, 20.19: "Oh my Darling it's Time for Romance"-polka, instr. waltz, 20.24: "Eigen Risico met een paar platjes", instr. polkas
1647 21.01 Armada, S5-7, 1645 and 1650 Greeks splashing, Manfred Mann - Ha ha said the Clown, big band version of "Pippi Långstrump", instr. waltzes, 21.13: Shadows - Apache, "The River Kwai March", id 21.19, 21.22: greez, "Yellow Rose of Texas"
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