Log 2025-1-2

Thursday 2025-1-2

Still unsettled ionosphere with several G1-peaks during morning and daytime, latest G1s at 12-12.30, 13.30-14 UTC, Bz: -10 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, occ. static crashes from Belarus +S1, floor MW=S1

6295      15.08     Black Power, S4-6, occ. ute 6295-6305, Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes, 15.15: id, cd 15.46

6280      15.13     unid, S4-6, jamming of So Hope on freq, Al Stewart - Year of the Cat, 15.33- covered by another carrier on freq, rock tracks

6287      15.16     unid, S3-5, moved to 6290, 6295 splashing, occ. ute 6285-95, polkas, techno tracks, 15.43: Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance, cd 15.52, ass. Ronalisa

6270      15.22     unid, S1-3, Stevie Wonder - Part Time Lover, CCR - Fortunate Son, Les Reed Orchestra - Man of Action, cd 15.33

5880      16.10     Rock Revolution, S4-6, Transvision Vamp - I Want Your Love, 16.12: "Rock Radio Revolution - fasten your seatbelts cause here we go", John Lennon - Working Class Hero 

1620      16.23     pres. Delfzijl, S4-6, in QSO, English/German version of "Wooden Heart", cd 16.26

1638      16.27     Ziegbok, S3-7, Greek on freq, id, CCR - Fortunate Son, Simon & Garfunkel - Mrs. Robinson

1620      16.29     Monza, S3-5, Greek on freq, QSO Delfzijl, id, instr. polka, cd 16.30

1650      16.33     unid, S1-3, other carrier on freq, Dutch songs

1620      16.35     King Kong, S3-7, QSO Blonde Zeeman, 16.39: cow mooing version of "Ghost Riders in Sky", cd 16.41-50, instr.country mx, 16.51: QSO Blinde Zeeman, Wilskracht

1656      16.43     unid, S2-6, Neil Diamond - Girl You'll be a Woman Soon, Rod Stewart - Stay with Me, Fleetwood Mac - The Chain, cd 16.55

More G1-G2-peaks at 17-18.30 UTC, Bz: -7 .. +7 nT stabilizing to +3 .. +5 nT, R1 (M1.1) radio blackout at 17.30 UTC, noise: floor MW=S1, only distorted Greeks and Balkans on 180 meters at 20-20.30 UTC

Ionosphere settling, Bz: +2 .. +7, noise: floor SW=S1, occ. static crashes from Norway +S1 and so few ids :-(

1611      21.16     unid, S3-7, greez to Waterman, Time Bandits - Endless Road (I want You to know my Love), German song, 21.23: greez to Uitzendkracht, Dutch rock, 21.26: Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence, 21.28: greez to Valencia, 21.29: greez to Eigen Risico, Josje Power, "Fly away my pretty Flamingo"-song, Dutch song, "Ik doe wat ik doe"-song, 21.36: greez to Digital, Hot Chocolate - Every 1’s a Winner, 21.41: Andrea Berg - Du hast mich tausendmal belogen,30^, country song, Rolling Stones - Start me Up, Cliff Richard - Summer Holiday

1657      21.21     Moonlight, S2-5, id, instr. polka, 21.24: id, phone number

1634      21.47     unid, S2-6, other carrier 1635, rock, Classics - My Lady of Spain, rock, 21.55: instr. polka, rock, 22.03: Pussycat - Teenage Queenie, version of "Mendocino", Byrds - Mr. Tambourine Man, rock tracks, 22.20: Judas Priest - Breaking the Law, instr. polka

1642      21.52     unid, S2-6, other carrier 1640, Dutch song, German song "Amore amore", polka song, 21.58: "Josephine, Cowboys en indianen"-yodel polka, yodel+instr. polka, Dutch song, 22.10: "Tic tic tic taco, the clock on the wall is dancing evening, away"-polka, 21.18: Heintje song, Dutch song


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