Log 2025-1-27
Monday 2025-1-27
Unsettled ionosphere, G1-G2-G1-peaks at 16-17 UTC, Bz erratic: -2 .. +3 nT, latest R1 (M2.6) radio blackout at 8 UTC, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, 180 meter signals weakening
5830 15.30 Mystery Theatre, S4-6, ute 5810-30, disco tracks, 15.35: "You're listening to Radio Mystery"
5880 16.22 Rock Revolution, S5-7, "Sie hören die letzten Klingen aus Radio Rock Revolution aus Belgien", station jingles of stations broadcast via former Radio Benelux, condolences, thanking listeners for support: "May the spirit of free radio last forever", 16.27: Peter Hallett - Peace
1629 16.50 unid, S5-7, Dutch version of "Winni winni wanna wanna", Dutch rock tracks, 17.08: Earth, Wind & Fire - Boogie Wonderland, Dutch songs, 17.16: Blondie - Heart of Glass, 30^
1638 16.52 Digital, S5-7, id, greez, instr. R&R
1620 16.53 Pontiak, S6-8, clarinet+band polka, 16.54: id, QSO, cd
1620 16.56 Schaduwjager, s/on, S6-8, Judds - Why not Me, QSO Pontiak, Digital, id 16.58
1625 17.47 Mike, S4-6, Avicii - Wake me Up, 17.48: "Mike Mike Mike Radio", 17.50: id-jingle, Coldplay - Viva La Vida
More G1-G2-G3-G2-G1-peaks at 20-21.30 UTC, Bz: -6 .. 0 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, distorted 180 meter signals after the early evening G-peaks
1620 18.57 unid, S3-6, "Hookah"-polka, cd 19.12
1629 18.58 unid, S5-8, Greek on freq, Dutch songs
1656 18.59 unid, S5-8, Dutch songs, 19.08: "Miranda on my Honda"-polka
1645 19.00 Vonkentrekker, S4-7, German polka song, 19.12: talking, greez, "Low power, low tower", id 19.15
1636 19.01 unid, S3-6, Dutch songs
1616 19.02 unid, S4-7, other carrier 1615, Dutch songs, cd 20.04
1653 20.03 unid, S1-3, Dutch songs
1620 21.51 Spakenburg, S7-9, Swedish song, greez to Alf, Los Del Rio - Macarena, Soeur Sourire - Dominique
1640 21.53 Monte Carlo, S5-7, 21.54: greez, id, polkas, country tracks
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