Log 2025-1-29

Wednesday 2025-1-29

Unsettled ionosphere, Bz negative since 7 UTC, G1-peaks at 15-16 UTC, Bz currently: -5 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Albania, the Adriatic Sea, Italy, the Ionian Sea +S1, R2 (missing measurement) radio blackout at 18.20 UTC, G1-G2-peaks at 21-21.30 UTC > 180 meter signals missing or very distorted

5835      15.00     Evropa, S6-8, occ. ute 5831-34, Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall - Mother - Time, more Pink Floyd tracks, 15.25: id, Ukrainian rock tracks

5800      16.21     unid, S4-6, ute 5750-5820 occ. covering, Dutch and German songs, 16.36: echoing talking in Dutch, greez to stations, Dutch songs, 17.02: "Je sind verbonden met de Radio XX", phone number, greez to stations

1629      16.38     unid, S1-5, instr. polkas and instr. waltzes, 16.48: Dutch "Warum warum"-rock

1647      16.40     Digital, S2-6, 1650 Greek occ. splashing, greez, id, 16.45: Jürgen Marcus - Ein Festival der Liebe

6945      17.09     pres. Zeppelin, S4-6, Greek songs


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