Log 2025-1-31
Friday 2025-1-31
R2 (M6.8) radio blackout at 14 UTC, disturbed ionosphere since 15.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -5 .. +10 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, distorted SW early evening signals in fast fading, 180 meters first opening, floor MW=S1
5800 15.33 WDR, S2-4, ute on freq, Dutch and German songs, 16.36: Blues Brothers - Everybody needs somebody to Love, id, S4-6
5835 15.36 unid, S2-4, rock, 15.39: Bachmann Turner Overdrive - You ain't seen nothing Yet, rock tracks, 16.50: S3-5, 18.00: S6-8
5845 15.44 unid / WDR, unassessable, BBC Philippines 250 kW on freq covering, Dutch and German songs, relaying 5800 with a few seconds delay
6280 16.30 Radio 42, S4-6, "Det här är Radio 42 på kortvåg",cd
6397,5 16.40 unid, S4-6, Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun, rock, cd 16.46
1638 17.43 unid, S3-5, Dutch version of "Free electric Band", Dutch song
5827 17.48 unid, S7-9, Talk Talk - Such a Shame, Katrina & The Waves - Love shine a Light, Transvision Vamp - I want your Love, Hooters - Satellite, 18.05: on 5826, Uriah Heep - Easy Living
1629 18.01 Spakenburg, S4-6, id, greez
5847 18.23 Boomerang, S7-9, rock 18.24: id, thanking for listening, cd-ann.
1655 18.27 unid, S6-8, Bruce Springsteen - Glory Days, Boxcar Willie - Train Medley
1611 18.34 unid, S3-5, Greek on freq, instr. waltz, instr. polka
1620 18.37 unid, S4-6, polka song, "Johnny Johnny"-R&R
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: 0 .. +10 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, occ. static crashes from Italy +S1
1611 20.27 Turftrekker, S5-8, other station on freq, rock tracks, 20.33: talking, id, email, 21.50: S7-9
1647 20.28 Turfsteker, S4-7, 1650 Greek splashing, Dutch country song, Dutch songs, 21.46: Dutch song, "Colorado desperado, little Johnny"-song, "America, America"-country song, 21.55: America - Sister golden Hair, 21.59: id-jingle, "Blue Moon of Centucky"-song
1656 20.30 unid, S4-7, Dutch songs, id 20.38, phone number
1629 20.34 unid, S4-7, Greek on freq occ. covering, instr. polkas, 21.36: brass band polka, big band mx, instr. polka
6279 20.42 unid, S3-7, occ ute 6268-78, Stranglers - No more Heroes, rock, Queen - Killer Queen, 21.02: Eric Clapton - Cocaine, 21.10: Iggy Pop & Kate Pierson - Candy, Queen - Another one bites the Dust, U96 - Das Boot , Boney M - Daddy Cool
5880 20.51 unid / WDR, S6-9, Dutch song, 18.53: id
5805 20.54 WDR, S3-6, id
1665 21.29 Yogi, S7-9, Abba - Take a Chance on Me, 21.37: greez, Bruce Springsteen - Tougher than the Rest
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