Log 2025-2-13
Thursday 2025-2-13 - very bad propagation conditions:
Stormy ionosphere, G1-peaks at 14.30-15.30, 16.30, 18-19 UTC, G5-G3-G1-peaks at 19.30-21 UTC, Bz erratic: -7 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from the Ionian Sea, the Tyrrhenian Sea, Sardinia, Tunisia, Algeria, Italy, Croatia +S1
The only identified stations:
6285 18.53 Wegpiraat, S3-6, occ. ute 6285-95, instr. techno tracks, 18.57: Van Halen - Dance the Night Away, id 19.00, rock, cd 19.03
1629 21.03 Spakenburg, S5-7, 1635 Greek splashing, German song, id, greez to Alf, Dutch version of "El Lute", greez, Bellamy Brothers - I need more Of You, 21.17: Bobby Bare - Detroit City, parts of songs: "It's a Heartache", "Galveston", 21.20: cd-ann., Dutch song, "Yellow Rose of Texas"-song, greez, part of "Jaren komen jaren gaan"-song, cd 21.28
The unidentified stations:
6300 17.04 unid, unassessable, other carrier on freq, mx
1620 17.27 unid, S4-6, other carriers 1619 and 1628, greez to stations
1665 18.47 unid, unassessable, ute on freq, "Baby Doll"-polka, talking, in QSO, id
1624 19.10 unid, S3-6, Russian 1625 occ. splashing, Dutch rock, Hot Butter - Popcorn, parts of tracks + carrier only, 19.15: part of Shadows - Apache, Hawaii guitar polka, Shadows mx, big band polka, Koto - Dragon's Legend, 30^, part of The Black Eyed Peas - Meet me Halfway
1638 19.24 unid, S3-6, Dutch songs
1616 20.48 unid, S5-7, country rock tracks, cd 21.03
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