Log 2025-2-14

Friday 2025-2-14, another stormy evening

Unsettled ionosphere, G1-peaks at 13.30-17 UTC, Bz erratic: -5 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Bosnia - Herzegovina, Italy, the Ionian Sea +S1

6285      15.55     Wilskracht, S5-7, occ. ute 6285-95, R&R tracks, 16.05: Buddy Holly - Midnight Shift, 16.13: Johnny Cash - Guess Things happen that Way - All of God’s Children ain’t Free, more R&R tracks, 30^, Johnny Cash - Reads The Bible: John, 17.07: talking, id

6206      16.32     unid, S4-6, 6200 Tibet Peoples BC splashing 100 kW, Dire Straits - So Far Away, "Opera Opera We are at the Opera"-rock, Heart - Magic Man, 16.47: Heart - Barracuda, Hank the Knife & The Jets - Stan The Gunman, Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax, 16.59: Fischer Z - So Long, 30^

5840      17.03     unid, S1-3, rock tracks

Stormy ionosphere, G1-G5-G4-peaks at 20-21 UTC, Bz erratic: -7 .. 0 nT, R1(M1.2) radio blackout at 21 UTC, noise: floor MW=S1, ionopheric rattles +S1, constant static crashes from the Aegean Sea, the Ionian Sea, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, Italy +S1, distorted 180 meter signals in fast fading, only Greeks on 180 meters, except:

1620      20.55     unid, S2-4, other carrier 1619, waltzes, polkas, 21.05: "It's gonna get better Tomorrow"-song, 21.10: id

1642      21.16     unid, S3-5, Dutch song, "The Third Man"-theme, waltz song

1638      21.22     unid, S4-7, occ. other carriers 1636 and 1640, "Aloha"-waltz, "Marionet"-waltz, polka song, German song, Dutch tango


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