Log 2025-2-20

Thursday 2025-2-20

Calm ionosphere, Bz steady +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0

6290      16.26     Mexico / Radio 60, S6-8, Dutch song, 16.29: talking, Fantasy - Eine Nacht im Paradies, "Hier ist Radio 60 mit Erdenmann", Classics - My yellow Rose of Tokio, Blondie - Heart of Glass, 16.39: id, "Via Mexico", Peggy March - Fly away little Flamingo, id

6935      16.52     unid / Blackbeard, S5-7, techno, 16.54: "This is Badio Blackbeard on FM and MW 1476", techno, 16.59: id-jingle, techno

5801      17.06     WDR, s/on, S6-8, German version of "Big in Japan" = Sandra - Japan ist weit, German song, accordion polka, big band polka, polka song, 17.23: moved to 5799,7, "Papa drinkt bier mama is dik"-song, Dutch song, 17.26: "Test 1,2", 17.28: Johnny Cash - Ghost Riders in the Sky, 17.32: talking, Kim Wilde - Cambodia, 30^, Dutch song, disco, 17.59: "Good evening, you're listening to the station WDR, on almost 5800 kHz"

6300      17.41     unid, S1-3, Dutch songs

6290      17.53     Markies, S5-8, Dutch songs, 17.55: "Good evening listeners and amateurs, this is the Station Markies International", several English and Dutch ids, "Paradiso"-song, 18.13: "I get a lot of reports, thanks for that, it may take a while, but I will answer them all", instr. folk mx, id 18.17, email, S5-7

Very calm ionosphere, Bz: +4 .. +5 nT, floor MW=S1

1655      19.56     Manolito, S3-6, instr. polka, part of Keith Marshall - Only Crying, German song, Ryan Paris - La Dolce Vita, Dutch song, country song, Dutch song, 20.14: version of "King of the Road", 20.59: "Chocoladen en marmeladen"-song, 21.02: Dutch id-jingle, S5-7


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