Log 2025-2-6
Thursday 2025-2-6
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -3 .. +4 nT, R2 (M7.7) radio blackout at 11 UTC, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1
6310 12.52 unid, S1-3, other carrier 6311, German song, 12.53: id-jingle, German song
5805 14.55 unid, S3-5, ute on freq, 5800U Russian number station occ. splashing, polka song, German song, 17.02: Dutch talking, "XX uit Nederland", instr. techno, cd 15.05
1633 15.40 unid, S3-6, Pussycat - My broken Souveniers, polka song, waltz song, 15.50: CCR - Jambalaya on the Bayou, John Fogerty - Big Train, cd 15.52-53, Dutch song
1629 16.38 unid, s/on, S3-7, Dutch song, "Heidi und Peter"-song, "Bella Maria blijf bij mij"-song, German song, Dutch song, 16.54: Conny Froboess - Zwei kleine Italiener,17.05: "Kus me voor de laatste keer"-wals
1640 16.55 unid, s/on, S2-6, "I miss Her"-polka, German song, Dutch song, 17.02: "In de warme zomerzon"-song, 17.03: "Dit is de Zender XX, goede avond", German song, 17.07: thanking for report, "Yes, They're living in the Sunset"-song, 17.10: greez, "We're having lots of Fun"-polka, 17.13-14 carrier only, cd, on again 17.15: "Come on Home"-song, 17.16: "Zender XX", cd
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