Log 2025-3-10
Monday 2025-3-10
G1-peak at 15 UTC, unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -2 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from France +S1, floor MW=S1
6280 16.24 unid, S3-5, other carrier on freq, occ. Russian ann. on freq, ute 6282-85, Dutch song, instr. polka, 16.28: Maggie Reilly - Moonlight Shadow, rock tracks
5800 16.36 unid / Radio 0511, S5-7, occ. ute 5797-5802, rap, 16.40: "Radio XX", techno, 16.48: Dutch hosting, "Radio 0511", 16.44: Bee Gees - Alone, 16.52: No Doubt - Don't Speak, "UK top 100 on Billboard Chart"
6295 17.17 Ronalisa, S4-6, ute 6295-98, "You're listening to Radio Ronalisa, feel free to send your report to", email, 17.18: greez to Guido, techno
1629 17.23 Akai, S3-5, other carrier 1630, instr. R&R, instr. polka, 17.27: "Hello, Radio Akai met een paar platjes", "Trulla Trulla la la dit is de laatste trein"-song, cd 17.29
1629 17.31 Bluebird, s/on, S6-8, instr. polka, "Du bist gleich nur mein"-song, instr. waltz, "Bing bong"-waltz, Dutch songs, 17.53: greez, id
1647 17.33 Moonbreker, S5-7, QSO San Antonio, German waltz
1638 17.43 unid, S3-5, other carrier 1635, Greek 1640 splashing, Dutch song, instr. techno, instr. polka, 17.51: instr. "Schön ist es auf der Welt zu sein"
1620 17.57 unid, S4-6, waltz song, "Tiripiri pom"-polka, German song, 18.05: waltz song
Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -2 .. +2 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0
1665 19.19 unid, S4-7, ute 1665-67 covering, 1660 Greek splashing, yodel song, "Rode rozen op witte zijde"-waltz, Dutch songs, 19.43: blues, part of Searchers - Sweets for my Sweet
1638 19.22 Columbia, S6-9, other carrier 1640, waltz song, Dutch and German song, e.g. 19.28: "Nur ein Küss Magdalena"-song, Heart - Alone, id 19.37, greez to Tony of London
1611 19.24 unid, S5-8, Greek on freq occ. covering, Dutch song, instr. polka, Dutch and German songs, rock tracks, country songs, 19.48: Ned Miller - From a Jack to a King, Ricky Van Shelton & Dolly Parton - Rockin' Years
5800 19.58 unid / Radio 0511, S6-8, instr. mx, Radio 0511 jingles and 20.00: nieuws, 20.02: "Radio 0511 met de lekkerste muziek": https://radio0511.com/
G1-peaks at 20-21.30 UTC, Bz: -4 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, statics +S1, SW signals in fast fading, only Bluebird left on 180 meters
6307 21.17 unid, S4-6, occ. ute 6302-12, Dutch songs, 21.22: Talk Talk - Such a Shame, Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall, Madness - Night Boat to Cairo, cd 21.34
6322 21.21 Markies, S5-7, Dutch songs, 21.26: thanking Brian of Ireland for the recording, id
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