Log 2025-3-12
Wednesday 2025-3-12
Unsettled ionosphere, G2-storm at 23-7 UTC, G1-storm at 10.30-17 UTC, G7-G5-G3-peaks at 17-18 UTC, Bz: -10 .. -2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Hungary, Slovakia, central Mediterranean, Libya+S1
5831 16.29 Mystery Theatre, S4-6, occ. ute 5829-32, instr. disco tracks, 17.01: "You're listening to Radio Mystery"
1611 16.51 unid / Disco, S3-6, 1610 Russian, Dutch songs, 17.05: "Je luistert naar de Zender Disco", polka song, reports to stations, 17.09: "Dit is de Zender Disco"
6290 17.29 unid, S2-4, instr.techno, cd 17.30
6960 17.33 unid, S2-4, instr. jazz tracks, pres. Zeppelin R.
6290 17.39 Ronalisa, S4-6, "Hookah"-polka, Dutch version of "Poupée de cire, poupée de son", Little Eva - Locomotion , 17.45: id, instr. polka, 17.48: greez to DXAce, "We are closing down", instr. polka, cd 17.51
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