Log 2025-3-15
Saturday 2025-3-15
Unsetlled ionophere, G1- peaks at 14-15 UTC and 16-16.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -5 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, the Adriatic Sea, Italy +S1-2, floor MW=S1
6280 14.45 Lowland, S4-6, id-jingle, Tom Petty - Learning to Fly
6295 14.51 Blauwe Panter, S3-5, occ. ute 6285-95, Dire Straits - Sultans of Swing, Dutch songs, 15.00: waltz, tango, 15.05: "Dit is de Blauwe Panter"
6295 16.34 Monique, S4-6, big band rock, 16.37: station id-music, 16.39: "This Radio Monique International with the speed of light to your receiver", cd 16.52-53, greez, C.W. McCall - Convoy
6325 16.41 Weekend Music, S3-5, occ. ute 6322-25, Al Stewart - Year of the Cat, id, hosting
6280 16.45 unid, S3-5, Koto -Dragon's Legend, rock tracks, 17.00: part of a Dutch polka song, country songs, 17.25: AC / DC tracks, 17.33: concert recording of AC / DC - Whole lotta Rosie, 17.37: "Broadcasting best music on SW, this is XX", more AC / DC, 17.53: "XX, free radio from Holland", Loreen - Euphoria, S4-6, occ. ute 6275-80
6210 17.06 King SW, S4-6, occ. ute 6205-08, rock, 17.09: "King SW"
1629 17.11 unid, S2-5, Carola Häggkvist - Främling, German version of "Paranoid" = Cindy & Bert - Der Hund von Baskerville, Dutch version of "L´italiano", 17.17: talking
1640 17.18 unid, S2-5, "Bloemen in Zweden"-waltz, waltz song, 17.21: "Luisteraars, je sind verbonden met de XX"
6310 17.32 unid, S5-7, Dutch song, cd 17.33
6305 17.38 Flux AM, S5-7, De Pioniers - Celblok nummer 10, Dutch "Amore"-polka, polka song , 17.48: "Send your reports to Flux AM", email, Dutch version of "Wakkadi wakkadu"
6227 17.59 unid, S5-7, instr. polkas, 18.07: Maggie Reilly - Moonlight Shadow, instr. polka
6398 18.03 Pandora (UK), S3-5, surrounded by utes, id-jingle
6286 18.09 unid, S5-7, techno version of "Funky Town", instr. version of "Suku Suku", techno version of Kim Wilde - Cambodia
5800 18.26 unid / unid, S7-9, Human League - Don't You want Me, "Dit is de radio station met de lekkerste muziek", Dutch rock
Calm ionosphere, Bz: 0 .. +4 nT, floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Adriatic Sea +S1
6290 21.19 unid, S5-7, instr. polka, rock, techno tracks, 21.38-40 carrier only, techno
6307 21.21 unid, S4-6, occ. ute 6306-09, Ferrari - Monza, techno, rock tracks
6266 21.23 unid, S2-4, ute 6262-65, rock, English hosting
1613 21.41 Blauwe Fazant, S6-8, "Leven zonder jou"-song, R&R, yodel waltz, Dutch songs, 22.02: Who - Baba O'Riley (Teenage Wasteland), 22.09: id
1620 21.46 unid, S7-9, "Big Tears fall Down"-country song, country songs, oldies
1642 21.50 Blauwe Koe, S5-7, Dutch songs, 21.53: id-jingle
1665 21.52 unid, S5-7, waltz song, Dutch songs, cd 22.00
1636 22.19 unid, S7-9, country songs
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