Log 2025-3-21
Friday 2025-3-21
G1-peaks at 14.30 UTC, 17-18.30 UTC, unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -20 .. +30 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, besides Alabama only Greeks on 180 meters
6279,3 16.25 unid, S3-5, other carrier 6280, rock tracks, ass. Delta 48
6295 17.18 Lowland, S5-7, id, QSO Blackstone, Delta 48, Police - Message in a Bottle, SWCH summer meeting info, 17.20 id, cd, on again 17.23, "Annabella"-song, greez to the next station, Roland, cd 17.29-37, rock, QSO the Bremen web station on freq at 17.33, cd 17.43-48, Queen - I want to break Free, QSO Sunrise, SWCH info, 17.53: Michael Jackson - Billy Jean, 17.54: email, cd 17.55
6296 17.22 unid, S2-4, QSO Lowland, cd 17.22-31, id QSO Roland, ass. ZOD
6295 17.33 Sunrise, unassessable, at first jammed by another carrier on freq, instr. techno, QSO Lowland, id, cd 17.36-43, instr techno, QSO Lowland, 17.45 id, 17.46: Billie Jo Spears - Blanket on the Ground, cd 17.47, S4-6
1629 17.58 Alabama, S3-7, rock tracks, 18.05: Romantics - Talking in your Sleep, Bronski Beat - Smalltown Boy, 18.18: Alphaville - Big in Japan, 18.26: id, Sniff 'n Tears - Driver's Seat
6295 18.33 Sunrise, S4-6, ute 6290-93, Patrick Hernandez - Born to be Alive, id 18.35
6279,3 18.36 unid, S4-6, other carrier 6280, Fischer Z - So Long, cd 18.38, ass. Delta 48
6228 18.40 unid, S4-6, rock tracks, ass. Markies
G2-G1-peaks at 19.30-20.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -20 .. +20 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0, SW signals in fast fading
1665 19.51 unid, S4-8, 1663 Greek, ute 1666-69, Dutch songs, 19.59: Oscar Harris - Song for the Children, Chris Roberts - Ich bin verliebt in die Liebe, Hawaii guitar polka, Dutch songs
1653 19.55 unid, S2-5, 1650 and 1660 Greeks splashing, German song, waltz song
1656 20.07 unid, S2-5, AC / DC - Highway to Hell, cd 20.08
1620 20.09 Bizon, S2-6, waltz song, Billy Swan - Let Me Help, 20.40: Dutch version of "Amarillo", instr. R&R, 20.44: greez,id, 20.46: Fischer Z - So Long, S5-8
6307,3 20.15 Delta 48, S4-6, Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer, rock tracks, at 20.30 on 6306, id- jingle, Scatman John - I'm a Scatman
6228 20.20 unid, S4-6, German song, Dutch songs, 20.35: "Tina Tina Tina"-song, ass. Markies
6295 20.22 Sunrise, S4-6, Dutch version of "Shame and Scandal in the Family", McCoys - Hang on Sloopy, M - Pop Muzik, id 20.28
6905 21.43 unid, S3-6, instr. polkas, 21.53: German polka, cd 21.54
6960 21.55 unid, S3-6, other station on freq, rock, country songs, 22.01: Linda Ronstadt - Blue Bayou
6300 22.05 unid, S3-6, rock tracks
1611 22.12 unid, S5-7, 1602 SER splashing, Lefty Frizzell - She's gone gone Gone, instr. polka, country songs
1647 22.14 unid, S5-7, 1650 Greek splashes covering, techno polka, rock
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