Log 2025-3-25
Tuesday 2025-3-25
R1 (C9.5) radio blackout at 12.30 UTC, unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -9 .. -5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, Sw signals in fast fading, floor MW=S1, MW signals in deep fading, static crashes from Hungary, Austria, Czechia, Germany, Italy, France, Spain +S1
6285 16.26 Monique, S5-7, occ. ute 6283-86, other carrier 6287, id, hosting, Fruitgum Company - Simon Says, greez, hosting, 16.32: Abba - Dancing Queen
1620 16.40 unid, S1-3, other carrier 1621, Golden Earring - Back Home, rock tracks
1638 16.42 Ziegbok, S1-6, other carrier 1635, country rock songs, rock tracks, 16.58: "Je sind verbonden met de Radio Professor Ziegbok", 17.05: cd-ann, Bruce Springsteen - I'm on Fire - Tougher than the Rest, 17.13: id, greez to stations, Melanie - Beautiful People, cd 17.16
1638 17.17 Blauwe Fazant, S2-5, mx, QSO Ziegbok, Roy Orbison - Yo te amo Maria, cd 17.20
6960 17.27 unid, unassessable, covered by French amateurs, Bee Gees - Tragedy, Bill Withers - Lovely Day, ass. Zeppelin R.
G1-G2-G1-peaks at 17.30-19 UTC, Bz: -8 .. .2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant statics +S1
6290 18.13 Ronalisa, S3-6, occ. ute 6285-95, Kim Wilde - Cambodia, techno, 18.17: laser gun whistles, 18.19: "You're listening to Radio Ronalisa", Police - Every Breath You Take, 18.22: "We are using 2 watts", 18.24: Heart - Barracuda, 18.28: greez to me , thanks !
6233 18.43 Markies, S4-7, folk mx rock, 18.46: "Dit is Markies Internationaal", Michael Jackson - Billy Jean, 18.54: id
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