Log 2024-8-3

 Saturday 2024-8-3 New antennas under testingText and drawing

Unsettled ionosphere, G1-peak at 15.30 UTC, a few R1 radio blackouts during daytime, Bz negative since 7 UTC, currently -5 .. -1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Germany, Italy, the Adriatic Sea + S1-2, radio blackout R1 (M2.9) at 16.50 UTC > increased atmospheric hissing

6210      16.33     King SW, S3-5, rock tracks, id 16.43

6170      16.50     Scandinavian Weekend Radio, S7-9, progressive rock with DJ Esa, 17.00: "From the town of Virrat this is SWR"

6275      17.04    Weekend Music, S6-8, ute 6277-82, s/on-mx, id, hosting, 17.05 in CW: "Weekend Music Radio Scotland", later moved to 6272

6393      18.24     unid, S6-8, greez to Scotland DX, "Mission impossible"-tune, 18.26: "Listeners, good evening, hello, hello", Jennifer Paige - It's just a little Crush, techno, 18.32: Robbie Williams - Millenium, techno, techno tracks, ass. Joey

Unsettled ionosphere, R2-R1 (M7-5-3) radio blackouts at 18.30-20 UTC, Bz: -6 .. 0 nT, SW signals in fast fading, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, statics +S1-2, G3-G2-G1-peaks at 21-21.30 UTC >  increased noise floor S2 on MW, signals weakening

6290      19.44     pres. JT, S7-9, instr. polka, rock, steel guitar R&R, Dalida + Alain Delon - Paroles paroles, instr.rock, 20.00: part of "The Rose in her Hair"-song, 20.05: Eddy Arnold - Seven Years with the wrong Woman, Barry McGuire - Eve of Destruction, 20.13: Tol Hansse - Big City

6950      20.18     unid, S4-7, techno rock tracks

5880      20.30     Rock Revolution,  S5-7, ute 5878, listenable in USB, Chris Rea - Looking for the Summer, 20.33: "Radio Rock Revolution - where the music never ends, never ends", John Lennon - Power to the People

1627      20.41     B4, S5-8, 1620 splashing, Greek 1629 occ. splashing, Sweet - Little Willy, 20.50: greez, id in the splashes, 20.56, 20.57 and 20.59: greez, 21.00: greez to Alf, id , 21.22 moved to 1629

1620      20.45     Bizon, S6-9, other carrier 1621, Dutch song, 20.47: greez, id, Fischer Z - So Long

1652      20.52     Moby Dick, S5-8, greez to Ben, id, New Four - Halverwege Amsterdam en Bremershaven

1621      21.02     Blauwe Koe, s/on, S7-9, Koto - Jabdah, id 21.05, greez to Bizon

1646      21.08     unid, S3-5, Dutch and English songs

1640      21.16     unid, S5-7, country song, "Uppidoo"-polka, German song, instr. polka, instr. waltz, cd 21.27, no id

1638      21.28     unid, s/on, S4-8, instr. waltz, instr. mx, Dutch song, march polka


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