Log 2023-12-31

Sunday 2023-12-31, New Year's Eve Very calm ionosphere, MDI=0.00-0.01 nT, Bz steady: -1 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0 6305,6 11.39 Mordor, S8-S9+5, instr. rock, id, HNY wishes, 11.43: "HNY wishes for Rick, especially you", Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams, rock tracks and id-jingles in between, 11.54: "We are now closing down", Neil Young - Rockin' in the free World, 11.59: "Keep on listening also in 2024, you never know when Radio Mordor is on air", cd 12.00 6306,4 12.00 Sombrero, s/on, S8-S9+5, instr. rock, 12.03: QSO Mordor, id-jingle, Finn hits and id-jingles Calm ionosphere, Bz: -4 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S2 6270 15.25 Black Power, S7-9, Charlie Rich - The most beautiful Girl, id 6280 15.26 unid, S5-7, country tracks, jamming of So Hope on freq 6290 15.28 Hitmix, S7-9, occ. ute 6288-89, "Hitmix live on SW", 15.35: move...