
Showing posts from October, 2024

Log 2024-10-31

Thursday 2024-10-31 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -2 .. +5 nT, faint peaks of R1 radio blackouts all morning long, latest R1 (M1.3) at 12 UTC, S1 solar radiation storm continuing, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1 5830      15.36     unid, S4-6, ute 5833, rock tracks, 15.41: version of "Horse with no Name", 15.43: freq changes and back to 5830, 15.44: instr. aor tracks, ass. Mystery Theatre 1629      15.51     Luka, S5-7, other carrier 1628, accordion rock, 15.52: thanking Akai for report, 15.54: instr. R&R, 15.56: id, cd  1629      15.57     Akai, s/on, S4-6, other carrier 1628, big band polka, 16.00: id, QSO Luka, instr. polka, 16.01: QSO Luka, id, cd-ann. 1624      16.03     Eigen Risico, S5-7, instr. polka, 16.04: "Over the Mountain"-polka, waltz song, Dutch "Good Morning"-polka, instr. polkas, 16.24: waltz song, instr. polkas, 16.30: "Marze Moia pleas...

Log 2024-10-30

Wednesday 2024-10-30 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -7 .. +4 nT, S1 solar radiation storm continuing, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, occ. static crashes from Russia +S1 1620      15.35     Mosfet, S4-6,  "Dit is Radio Mosfet, goede middag", "Oh Donna"-song, Fleetwood Mac  - Go your own Way, 15.38: greez to Professor, id, cd 15.40, on again 15.52, Shadows - Apache, id, QSO Arona, greez to David, id, greez, Apache continuing, cd 15.56, S6-8 1665      15.41     unid, S2-5, ute 1658-63, Dutch song, Dutch version of "Ramona", Dutch version of "Lady Sunshine Mr. Moon, 15.57: Dutch "Antonio"-song, 16.07: Lieve blonde Rosenmarie"-song, Dutch songs 1638      15.46     unid, S2-4, other carriers 1635 and 1640, Dutch song, German song, 15.59: "Zender XXonia", in QSO, rock polka, 16.05: id, Dutch songs, 16.18: "Wenn der Mondschein ist so schön"-song, Asconia ?? 1620      15.50...

Log 2024-10-29

Tuesday 2024-10-29 Unsettled ionosphere after last night's and this morning's G2-G1-peaks, Bz collapsing at 15.30 UTC, currently erratic: -7 .. +3 nT, S2 > S1 solar radiation storm continuing, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1 6295      15.54     Monique, S6-8, ute 6240-95, instr. polka, seagull screams, "Dit is Radio Monique", signature tune, 15.57: greez to Alex of Belarus, DXAce, Kiss - I was made for loving You 6380      16.03     unid, S4-6, occ. ute on freq, Dutch song, cd 16.05 1629      16.07     Ziegbok, S3-7, id, greez to Arona, German song, 16.12: greez, id, instr. R&R 6285      16.52     unid, S5-8, ute 6240-95, Dutch song, instr. R&R, instr.R&R, 16.55 moved to 6290, instr. polka, techno, cd 16.58 5835      17.00     unid, S4-6, Little Richard - Lucille, R&R and blues tracks, ass. Evropa (UKR) 1665   ...

Log 2024-10-28

Monday 2024-10-28 G1-peak at 14.30 UTC, unsettled ionosphere, Bz: -5 .. +5 nT, S2 solar radiation storm continuing and intensifying, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1 6290      16.21     Taxus, S7-9, "You're listening to Taxus Radio", instr. polkas, 16.28: Maddog - Kio , 16.31: id-jingles in Dutch and English, name spelled out, email, 16.33: Kastelruther Spatzen - Ave Maria der Heimat, M - Pop Muzik, Dutch songs, tuning the dial over stations: R. Veronica, R. Nord, R.Syd, R. Antwerpen (recording below), cd 16.46 5780      17.16     pres. R. Mystery Theatre, S3-5, Greek talking, instr. aor tracks 5840      17.19     unid, unassessable, covered by ute on freq, Dutch songs 1638      17.23     unid, S2-6, 1640 other carrier, Beatles - I want to hold your Hand, 60's rock tracks, 16.32: Peter & Gordon - A World without Love, Swinging Blue Jeans - You're no Good, 17.42...

Log 2024-10-27

Sunday 2024-10-27 , local time UTC +2 Unsettled ionosphere, G1-G2-G1-peaks at 15.30-17 UTC, Bz: -3 .. +2 nT, solar radiation storm at S2-level, noise: floor SW=S0, signals in fast fading, late evening static crashes from western Mediterranean, Algeria +S1 6285      16.11     R. 319 / Weekend Music, S5-7, ute 6240-95, occ. ute 6280-90 covering, Radio Caroline announcement, Fortunes - Caroline, hits countdown, 16.14: "319", 16.14: Weekend Music Radio id and hosting 6306,3   16.22     Sombrero, S7-9, surrounded by occ. utes covering, Sabrina - Boys Boys Boys, Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax, 16.25:"We are Finland's most active free radio on SW, Radio Sombrero ...", email, Steve kekana - Raising my Family 6385      16.27     unid, S6-8, R&R tracks, 16.32: "I'm a rattlesnakin' Daddy", 16.35: "I'm a rockin' Daddy in deep down Tennessee", 16.41: Johnny Cash - Don't step on Mother's Roses instr. R&R, ...

Log 2024-10-26

Saturday 2024-10-26 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -4 .. +2 nT, R3 (M8.1) radio blackout at 7 UTC weakening, noise: floor SW=S0 6195      09.43     Mordor, S7-9, "The free voice from the Northern Mountains Radio Mordor, yes, this is Radio Mordor", 9.45: greez to Alex, Rolling Stones - House of the rising Sun, " For possibe contact you can use pirate chat", email 6306,3  09.56     Sombrero, S6-8, modulation hum, Teflon Brothers - Maradona, Matti Nykänen - Ehkä opin ehkä en, Irwin Goodman - Mutakuono ja lakupelle, 10.04: id-jingles Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: 0 .. +13 nT, radio blackout continuing at R1-level, proton flux increasing, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Italy, France, western Mediterranean, Tunisia, Algeria +S1  5780      14.55     unid, S2-4, rock tracks 6290      15.21     unid, S6-8, ute 6240-95, occ. ute 6285-95, Finnish rock, 16.24: Portion Boys ...

Log 2024-10-25

Friday 2024-10-25 C alm ionosphere, Bz: +2 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from France, Spain, western Mediterranean +S1 6935      15.43     Argus, S3-5, 6936 CW covering, listenable in LSB, occ. ute on freq, rock tracks, 15.52: "You are listening to XX shortwave", 17.16: rock tracks, 17.22: "This is Radio Argus", S4-6 5780      16.38     unid, S5-7, instr. jazz rock, cd 16.40-42, instr. jazz rock, 17.24: rock tracks, 17.33: id-jingle, instr. aor tracks, 17.40: Italian id ?, S3-5 5800      17.28     Radio Action , S7-9, version of "Gute Nacht Freunde", "Radio Action" 5840      17.34     Mi Amigo, S6-8, German song, 17.36: "Good evening, this is Radio De Mi Amigo", Kincade - Dreams are ten a Penny 6295      17.45     pres. JT, S6-8, Tol Hansse - Big City, Barbarella - We cheer You Up 6305      17.47...

Log 2024-10-24

Thursday 2024-10-24 Fairly calm ionosphere after last night's and this morning's G1-storm and R3-radio blackout, Bz: -4 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1 1629      15.45     Blauwe Fazant, S3-5, Greek on freq, German waltz, yodel polka, Dutch and German songs, 15.51: greez to Maurits, id, freq later occupied by Greeks 1620      16.47     Philadelphia, S3-5, Russian station on freq, instr. polka, "Mein Name ist Hase ich weiß von nichts"-song, instr. rock, 16.55: "Je luistert naar de Radio Philadelphia op 1620", greez, Canned Heat - Let's work Together 1639      16.58     unid, S3-5, 1637-1638 Russian QSOs covering, Johnny Cash - I walk the Line, 17.12: T'Pau - China in your Hand 1647      17.01     Twentana, S5-7, "Frau Meier"-polka, 17.02: id, greez, march polka song 1611      17.05     unid, S3-5, Greek on freq covering, Dutch son...

Log 2024-10-23

Wednesday 2024-10-23 Calm ionosphere, latest G1-peak at 5.30 UTC, Bz: 0 .. +6 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1 5835      15.49     unid, S4-7, Grateful Dead - Friend of the Devil, Grateful Dead tracks, 16.06: Grateful Dead - There is a Road no simple Highway, 16.27- carrier only 6275      16.11     unid, S4-6, ute 6240-95, Rammstein - Radio, 16.13 moved to 6285, occ. ute 6284-87, Kerstin Ott - Die immer lacht, Rammstein - Amerika, Dutch song, 16.21: Renate Kern - Bis Morgen, cd 16.22 1638      16.28     Noordzee, S4-6, Dutch songs, 16.40: greez, Dutch songs, 16.47: greez to stations, id 1611      16.31     unid, S4-6, instr. polkas 1630      16.33     unid, S4-6, "Jambalaou on the Bayou"-song, 16.40: "Kleine mijn Isabel"-polka, CCR track, R&R 1647      16.36     unid, S4-6, "Du du du bist ein Wunder für...

Log 2024-10-22

Tuesday 2024-10-22 Daytime ionosphere calm, Bz negative since 16 UTC yesterday > G1-peaks at 14-17 UTC, Bz currently -7 .. -3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Italy, central Mediterranean +S1 6290      15.53     unid, S5-7, ute 6240-95, amateurs on freq, sporadic freq changes, back to 6290, Italian rock: "Mama mama Maria", instr. rock, 16.02: Gazebo - I Like Chopin, cd 16.04  1640      16.07     Toulouse, S2-4, Roy Orbison - Oh pretty Woman, greez 16.08, covered by Greek on freq, 16.17: QSO Luka, Noordzee, id 1620      16.10     Zwarte Bouvier, S2-4, Greek on freq, hard to distinguish which is which: Opus - Life is Life, Sash - Ecuador, 16.13: "Zwarte B..."-id, 16.21: Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams, Dutch song, rock tracks, 16.43: "Dit is de Zwarte Bouvier", greez, waltz song 1642      16.34     Noordzee, S2-4, QSO Luka, Toulouse, Dutch versi...

Log 2024-10-21

Monday 2024-10-21 Calm ionosphere, Bz: +2 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, occ. static crashes from Tunisia, Algeria +S1 1610      16.30     unid, S4-7, 1613 Greek, techno, 16.31 moved to 1612, 16.32 moved to 1611, Greek on freq occ. overriding, instr. Santana, 16.40: Dutch tango, 16.46: Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Lucky Man, 16.53: Clout - Save Me, Trammps - Disco Inferno, disco, 17.09: Bluebells - Young at Heart, 17.13: part of Rick James - Super Freak, disco 1620      16.33     Shaduwjager, s/on, S7-9, QSO Luka, cd 16.36  1620      16.38     Luka, S5-7, QSO Schaduwjager, greez to Maurits, id 16.39, covered by Greek on freq 1640      16.41     Casablanca, S7-9, Greek on freq, thanking for reports, country rock, 16.43: greez to Luka, id, 16.44: "This is Radio Casablanca, the one and only" 1629      16.50     Bluebird, S7-9...

Log 2024-10-20

Sunday 2024-10-20 Settling ionosphere, latest G1-peak at 14.30 UTC, Bz: -2 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1 6306      15.33     Sombrero, S7-9, 20 kHz wide audio, s/on-rock, Lapinlahden Linnut - Keski-ikä on syvältä, "Moi taas, lämmittelimmekin vanhoilla hienoilla muistoilla, silloin Radio Bristol", English id, email, Don Huonot - Merirosvoradio, id-jingles, 15.48: Juice Leskinen - Atomisuoja, cd 16.00 6235      15.51     Monique, S5-7, rock, 15.54: hosting, New York Dolls - Showdown 6285      16.00     Weekend Music, S4-6, ute 6240-95, occ. ute 6286-89 covering, rock, id, hosting 6390      16.04     unid, S4-6, ute 6391-94 covering, U2 - New Year's Day, Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun, Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz, 16.18: on 6389, cd 16.21 6375      16.08     unid, S3-5, rock, cd 16.09  6205      16.18   ...

Log 2024-10-19

Saturday 2024-10-19 Unsettled ionosphere, latest G1-peak at 14 UTC, Bz: -4 .. +2 nT, R1 (M1.7) radio blackout at 14.30 UTC, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from central Mediterranean +S1-3 6295      15.13     Blackstone, S3-6, in QSO, Shadows - Apache, talking, rock, cd 15.18 6297      15.19     Lowland, s/on, S3-6, part of Tornados - Telstar, id, QSO Blackstone, instr. rock, Shadows - Apache, cd 15.23 6270      15.23     unid, S7-9, occ. covered by ute on freq, Swinging Blue Jeans - You're no Good, Steve Miller Band - Rock’n Me, rock tracks 5800      15.34     ContiKenzo, S4-7, rock tracks, 15.37: talking, Q65 - The Life I Live, 15.40: "Test, 1,2,3, hello", rock, 15.41 id 6210      15.45     King SW, S3-6, rock 6285      15.48     Weekend Music, S3-6, ute 6240-95, id, hosting, cd-ann., station id-...

Log 2024-10-18

Friday 2024-10-18 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz collapsing at 11 UTC, currently  -10 .. -3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from central and western Mediterranean +S1 5840      14.27     unid / Golden Oldies, S7-9, Opus - Life is Life, Vanessa Paradis - Joe le taxi, 14.34: "Where ever you are, what ever you do - Golden Oldies Radio", rock version cavalcade of trad. Irish songs, 14.41: Waterboys - The whole of the Moon, 14.46: "Golden Oldies Radio, the time machine on 1224", Tracey Ullman - I can't break Away, T'Pau - China in your Hand 1629      15.21     Bizon, S5-7, Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich - The Legend of Xanadu, 15.25: Tee-Set - Tee is Famous (in the whole wide World), 15.28: id, greez to Maurits, cd-ann., march mx, cd 15.30 6285      15.31     Monique, S7-9, id-jingle, dedicated to Terry: GoGoes - Our Lips are Sealed 6300      15.34  ...

Log 2024-10-17

Thursday 2024-10-17 Calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from France, Italy +S1-2 1620      17.00     Mondeo + unid Dutch, both S5-7 interchanging, Mondeo playing John Fogerty - Rock And Roll Girls, id 17.02, unid playing instr. waltz, German song, Dutch song 6280      17.10     unid, S8-S9+5, ute 6282-86, amateurs on freq, instr. disco tracks, 17.20: Erasure - A little Respect, carrier only, 17.25: instr. disco, 17.27: Ultravox - Dancing with Tears in my Eyes, 17.34: Dutch talking, parts of Moody Blues - A whiter shade of Pale + carrier only, 30^, Madness - Embarrassment, Glasperlenspiel - Geiles Leben, Fischer Z - So Long 6300      17.12     unid, S5-7, Guns N’ Roses - Sweet Child O’ Mine, Bryan Adams - Summer of 69, Simple Minds - Don't You (forget about Me), 17.22: carrier only, 17.24: "hello, test, 1,2", 17.26- : carrier only, cd 17...

Log 2024-10-16

Wednesday 2024-10-16 Settling ionosphere, latest G1-peak at 10 UTC, Bz collapsing at 14 UTC > -7 .. -6 nT > G1-G2-G1-peaks at 16-17.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -7 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from France, Spain +S1,  5845      15.47     unid , S8-S9+5, Ukrainian ? rock tracks, 30^ 5835      16.19     unid ? / Mi Amigo Int., S4-6, country song, Dutch hosting, rock tracks, 16.31: Mi Amigo id, 16.34: "Radio Mi Amigo Internationaal" 6306,3  16.36     Sombrero, S7-9, ute on freq, rock, 16.38: "Well, dear listeners, it's Sombrero time again", cd 16.39 1656      16.41     unid, S3-7, 1660 Greek splashing, Fischer Z - So Long, waltz song, "Dit is de alleerste keer"-rock, Dutch song 1620      16.45     unid, S3-7, Greek on freq occ. covering, polka songs, 16.51: "Ursula oh Ursula"-song, "El viva Espana"-song 1629  ...

Log 2024-10-15

Tuesday 2024-10-15 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -6 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, G1-peaks at 16.30-17 and 18-18.30 UTC > Bz erratic 0 .. +5 nT , R1 (M2.1) radio blackout at 18.10 UTC > only Greeks on 180 meters, except 1620 and 1629 6306,3  16.52     Sombrero, S4-6, German rock, Martti Vainaa & Sallitut aineet - Pelimies, 16.57: "Se on Sombreroa kärkeen, suomalaista vapaaradiotoimintaa jo vuodesta 2014, testaamme jälleen laitteistoa ...", "Here we testing the hardware again", email, 17.03: Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler 6295      17.54     Ronalisa, S3-5, ute 6240-95, "I'm a Believer"-song, rock tracks, id 18.01, instr. waltz, 18.04: "Only 1 watt of carrier", 18.10: "Only a short test with the audio processor", 18.15: instr. "El Condor Pasa", classical: Mozart's 40:th, 18.22: "Only 1 watt", S4-6, 18.35: Ulli Martin - Monika, S4-6, A Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran 1620      19.42     Marianne,...

Log 2024-10-14

Monday 2024-10-14 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -2 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Spain, Algeria, Marocco +S1 , Bz erratic 17.30 UTC onwards: -3 .. +6 nT > G1-peak at 18 UTC > SW signals in fast fading, 180 meter signals weakening  1665      15.37     Digital, S3-5, id, greez, 15.45: Waylon  Jennings - Love of the common People, waltz song, rock, instr. polka, 16.00: Doors - Light my Fire 1629      16.02     unid, S2-4, 1627 Greek splashing, Cindy & Bert - Immer wieder Sonntags, waltz song 6306      16.07     Sombrero, S7-9, 30 kHz wide audio, occ. ute 6295-6305, Mika Sundqvist - Moottoripyörä on moottoripyörä, Isaac Hayes - Theme from Shaft, 16.14: Kenny Loggins - Danger Zone, Blondie - Call Me, 16.21: "Terve taas siskot ja veljet ....nyt raporttijono on purettu, olemme Radio Sombrero", email, Abba - Summer Night City 6375      1...

Log 2024-10-13

Sunday 2024-10-13 Fairly calm ionosphere, latest G1-peak at 1 UTC, Bz: -1 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1 6260      15.54     ContiKenzo, S5-7, ute 6240-95, oldies rock tracks, 15.59: Dusty Springfield - I only want to be with You, Beatles - If I Fell, 19.03: "Dit is de ContiKenzo Boys" 6275      16.04     Ronalisa, S5-7, ute 6240-95, Rolling Stones - Satisfaction, Kim Wilde - Cambodia, 16.11: Drafi Deutscher - Marmor Stein und Eisen Brich, techno, 16.16: id, Men Without Hats - The Safety Dance 6285      16.07     Weekend Music, S4-6, ute 6240-95, lots of American English hosting and music playing in the background, id, 16.11: "We are All Gospel Radio", 16.15: WMR id 5825      16.20     Golden Oldies, S5-7, Elvis - Burning Love, 16.26: John Lennon & Elton John - Whatever gets You thru the Night, 16.29: "Dit is Golden Odies Radio" 1634      1...

Log 2024-10-12

Saturday 2024-10-12 Unsettled ionosphere, G2-G1-peaks at 12-14.30 UTC, G1-peak at 17.30 UTC, Bz: -3 .. +3 nT, still somewhat elevated proton flux, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from the Black Sea, Türkiye +S1-2 6210      15.27     King SW, S3-6, occ. ute 6210-15, rock tracks, 15.36: id-jingle, Nafa Surf - So much Love, Them ft. Van Morrison - Here Comes the Night 5880      16.08     Rock Revolution, S4-6, 5885 VOA Philippines splashing, Moody Blues - The Story in your Eyes, 16.14: id-jingle 6195      16.19     RealMix, 9+5 - S9+15, "Welcome to the show, this is yours truly Delta Mike", hosting, Pretenders - Back on the Chain Gang 6300      17.41     unid / Weekend Music, S2-4, id, email, hosting, rock 6960      17.57     Enterprise, S5-7, Italian hosting, Frida - I know there's Something going On, 17.58: "Ten years of Enterprise Radio...

Log 2024-10-11

Friday 2024-10-11 G4 > G2 storm continuing all day and evening long, Bz: -1 .. +1 nT, radio blackout R1 (M2.1) at 16.30 UTC, solar radiation storm weakening, noise: floor SW=S0, distorted SW signals in fast fading 5840      16.31     unid, S2-5, Dutch songs, 16.40: "I never had a Girl like You"-song, Dutch songs 5830      16.44     unid, S4-6, Harpo - Movie Star, 16.47-54 carrier only, cd, on again 16.56: carrier only, 16.57: "We're in the Right"-reggae, 17.01-02 carrier only, "Take a Walk in the Sun"-rock, cd 17.04 Stormy conditions continuing, only G1-peaks during the early evening, floor MW=S1, only carriers on 180 meters, except 1665. Fast fading SW signals.  1665      18.07     807 Radio, S3-7, QSO Meteoor, "Dit is Radio Acht Nul Zeven", instr. polka, 18.10: greez to stations, id 6170      18.27     Delta, S5-9, "Just a short test from Delta Radio", "We ar...

G3 storm

Thursday 2024-10-10 Stormy ionosphere, G1-G2-peak at 13-15, G3-storm at 15-19 UTC , Bz erratic : -30 .. +30 nT, solar radiation storm S2 continuing, only the very strongest  signals 0.1-1.6 MHz receivable

Log 2024-10-9

Wednesday 2024-10-9 Stormy ionosphere, G1-peaks at 10,12, 13-16 UTC, Bz: -5 .. 0 nT, solar radiation storm S2-3 since 2 UTC, radio blackout R3 (X1.4) at 15.40 UTC, noise: floor SW=S0, no static crashes, distorted SW signals in fast fading 6290      15.59     Ronalisa, S1-3, Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama, 17.50: greez, "Good evening everybody, Radio Ronalisa from the Netherlands", Spider Murphy Gang - Skandal im Sperrbezirk, S2-5 6306      16.01     Sombrero, S6-9, s/on-rock, instr. rock, 16.06: Kiss - I was made for loving You, 16.13: Golden Earring - Radar Love, 16.16: "Good evening, here again Finnish free radio activity on SW" 6300      17.47     unid, S4-7, occ. ute 6296-99, Hollies - Long cool woman in a black Dress, Doobie Brothers - Listen to the Music, Yes - Owner of a lonely Heart, 18.03: Stranglers - No more Heroes, cd 18.10 5835      18.11     unid, S4...

Log 2024-10-8

Tuesday 2024-10-8 Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peaks at 12-16 UTC, G1-G2-peaks at 17-18.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -10 .. +10 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from the Mediterranean between Italy and Tunisia +S1 6290      17.07     Black Power, S3-7, ute 6250-90, occ. ute 6285-95, big band techno polka, 17.13: Mötley Crüe - Girls Girls Girls, German rock, techno polka, techno, id 17.28: Survivor - Burning Heart, Playahitty - The Summer is Magic, cd 18.02 6300      17.12     Ronalisa, S2-6, greez to Paul, id, instr. techno, 17.42: Babys - A Piece of the Action, Sniff 'n Tears - Driver's Seat, Rubettes - Tonight, 17.54-56 covered by ute 6298-6302, cd 18.01 6300      18.22     Ronalisa, S2-6, German version of "Only Crying" = Keith Marshal - Deine Tränen, techno tracks, 18.29: moved to 6295, occ. ute 6188-98, 18.32: Kim Wilde - Cambodia, 18.35: id G1-peaks at 19-20 UTC, Bz erratic: -10 .. +7, nois...

Log 2024-10-7

Monday 2024-10-7 G1-peaks at 11-13, 14-15.30, G1-G2-peaks at 17-18.30 UTC, unsettled ionosphere, Bz: -12 .. -10 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from France, Spain, Algeria +S1-2, SW signals in fast fading, 180 meter signals weakening 1629      17.58     Bluebird, S6-8, accordion polka, 17.59: talking, id, greez to Dolfijn, id, Dutch version of "Puttin' on the Style" 1647      18.02     Moonbreker, S4-7, 1645 and 1650 other carrier, Dutch version of "Streets of New Orleans", German song, "In de sexbutiek"-song, 18.08: greez to Dolfijn, id, cd 18.26 1656      18.14     unid, S4-7, waltz song, Chris Andrews - Pretty Belinda, "Rode rozen op witte zijde"-waltz 6317      18.34     Markies, S3-6, talking, id, Fischer Z - So Long, Heart - Barracuda, cd 18.38-39, instr. polka, 18.40 id, talking, instr. polka continuing G2-G3-G2-G1-peaks at 18.30-19....

Log 2024-10-6

Sunday 2024-10-6 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -10 .. +17 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Romania, Bulgaria, the Black Sea +S1 5835      15.12     pres. Evropa (UKR), S5-7, Pet Shop Boys - Always on my Mind - Heart - Domino Dancing, 15.28: Janis Joplin - Piece of my Heart, Bob & Earl - Harlem Shuffle, Jimmy Cliff - I can see clearly Now, Stealers Wheel - Stuck in the Middle with You, Bobby Hebb - Sunny, 30^ 5843      15.42     pres. Joey, S6-8, other carrier 1640, Dutch songs, techno polka version of "Take me Home Country Roads", rock and tehno tracks, Dutch songs, 15.51: Blues Brothers - Everybody needs Somebody to Love, Dutch songs 5880      16.32     Rock Revolution, S4-6, other carrier and occ. ute on freq, id-jingle, rock tracks, 16.42: "Radio Rock Revolution - the number one for great music"  6290      17.20     unid, S4-6, u...

Log 2024-10-5

Saturday 2024-10-5 Calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -3 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, the Adriatic Sea +S1-2 6210      17.31     King SW, S5-7, surrounded and covered by occ. utes, rock tracks, 17.37: id-jingle 6290      17.39     ContiKenzo, S7-9, ute 6250-90, Cranberries - Linger, Moody Blues - Nights in white Satin, 17.47: talking, greez to Vulkan, Misti, id, Lucifef - House for Sale 6317      17.50     unid, S4-6, "Meisje goede avond"-song, 17.54: "Dit is XX Radio, goede avond", big band mx, 17.56: greez, "XX International", 17.57: id, "Diamanten"-polka, 17.59: id, 18.02: talking, "Dit is XX op 6317", greez, 18.03: id, 18.04: id, march polka, 18.06: cd-ann., cd 5843      18.07     pres. Joey, S6-8, techno tracks 5880      18.16     Rock Revolution, S6-8, Underto...

Log 2024-10-4

Friday 2024-10-4 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Albania, the Ionian Sea, Greece +S1 6290      15.40     pres. Ronalisa, S3-5, Dutch songs, 15.51: greez, singing along with "Hey hey hey hey"-polka 1629      17.06     Blauwe Fazant, S3-6, Greek on freq occ. overriding, greez to Simplex, id, big band waltz tracks 6300      17.12     Kiss AM, S3-5, id-jingle, rock tracks 1611      17.15     unid, S3-6, 1602 R. Tsentr splashing, Greek on freq, Dutch songs, 17.20: Bob Marley And The Wailers - No Woman no Cry, version of "Ghost Riders in the Sky" 1655      17.20     DB, s/on, S7-9, Dutch songs, 17.33: "Dit is aan de band DB", greez to Germany 1638      17.24     unid, S3-5, 1640 Greek occ. overriding, waltz song, 17.26: talking 1620 ...

Log 2024-10-3

Thursday 2024-10-3 Calm ionosphere, Bz: -5 .. +5 nT, R3 (X9.1) radio blackout at 12.10 UTC, after which R1 radio blackout continuing at M1.8 > M1.0 level until 18 UTC, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, no static crashes, late evening crashes from Croatia, Italy +S1 6290      17.00     Ronalisa, S5-8, ute 6250-95, instr. techno, 17.02: id jingle, email, instr. techno, 17.04, 17.05, 17.06: talking, techno versions of songs, id: 17.12, 17.14: German id-jingle, Demis Roussos - Forever and Ever 1611      17.23     unid, S2-5, German song, cd 17.27 1620      17.24     Alabama, S4-7, Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - Walls, 17.28: greez to Luka, UKDXer, id, Queen - Tie your Mother Down 1629      17.31     Ziekbok, S4-7, Hollies - Long cool woman in a black Dress, Dutch song, id 17.41 1642      17.35     Marskramer, S5-8, 1640 Greek occ. co...