Log 2024-10-31
Thursday 2024-10-31 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -2 .. +5 nT, faint peaks of R1 radio blackouts all morning long, latest R1 (M1.3) at 12 UTC, S1 solar radiation storm continuing, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1 5830 15.36 unid, S4-6, ute 5833, rock tracks, 15.41: version of "Horse with no Name", 15.43: freq changes and back to 5830, 15.44: instr. aor tracks, ass. Mystery Theatre 1629 15.51 Luka, S5-7, other carrier 1628, accordion rock, 15.52: thanking Akai for report, 15.54: instr. R&R, 15.56: id, cd 1629 15.57 Akai, s/on, S4-6, other carrier 1628, big band polka, 16.00: id, QSO Luka, instr. polka, 16.01: QSO Luka, id, cd-ann. 1624 16.03 Eigen Risico, S5-7, instr. polka, 16.04: "Over the Mountain"-polka, waltz song, Dutch "Good Morning"-polka, instr. polkas, 16.24: waltz song, instr. polkas, 16.30: "Marze Moia pleas...