Log 2025-1-31
Friday 2025-1-31 R2 (M6.8) radio blackout at 14 UTC, disturbed ionosphere since 15.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -5 .. +10 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, distorted SW early evening signals in fast fading, 180 meters first opening, floor MW=S1 5800 15.33 WDR, S2-4, ute on freq, Dutch and German songs, 16.36: Blues Brothers - Everybody needs somebody to Love, id, S4-6 5835 15.36 unid, S2-4, rock, 15.39: Bachmann Turner Overdrive - You ain't seen nothing Yet, rock tracks, 16.50: S3-5, 18.00: S6-8 5845 15.44 unid / WDR, unassessable, BBC Philippines 250 kW on freq covering, Dutch and German songs, relaying 5800 with a few seconds delay 6280 16.30 Radio 42, S4-6, "Det här är Radio 42 på kortvåg",cd 6397,5 16.40 unid, S4-6, Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun, rock, cd 16.46 1638 17.43 unid, S...