Log 2024-12-3
Tuesday 2024-12-3 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -5 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, occ. static crashes from Türkiye, Cyprus, Sicily, Tunisia and their surrounding sea areas +S1 5780 15.03 Mystery Theatre, S5-7, "Radio Mystery", Laid Back - Sunshine Reggae, disco, 15.10: Ten Sharp - You (were always on my Mind) 6300 15.53 pres. JT, S7-9, AC / DC - You shook me all Night Long, "The River Kwai March", Dutch song, 16.03: Lale Andersen - Es geht alles vorüber es geht alles vorbei, Scorpions- When You came into my Life, Danish song, 16.16: Abba - Dancing Queen, Londonbeat - I've been thinking about You, 15.22: Bob Luman - Let's think about Living, cd 16.25 1629 16.26 Blauwe Fazant, S4-7, Kincade - Dreams are ten a Penny, Manfred Mann - Ha ha said the Clown, 16.30: "Blauwe Fazant met een antenna test", cd 17.24 1657 16.28 ...