Log 2025-3-2
Sunday 2025-3-2 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: 0 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from the Ionian Sea +S1, floor MW=S1 5835 15.37 Evropa, S5-7, James Blunt - You're Beautiful , 15.39-40 carrier only, Norman Greenbaum - Spirit in the Sky, 15.47: Kinks - Lazing on a sunny Afternoon, id 15.50: "Ukrainian amateur radio station Radio Evropa" 5800 15.52 ContiKenzo, S5-7, ute 5802, Dutch song, R&R, 15.54: "Je sind verbonden met de ContiKenzo" 6397 16.15 De Kat, S5-7, id, cd 18.16-20, rock, QSO Markies, id 6397 16.16 Markies, s/on, S4-6, Michael Jackson - Beat It, 16.18: QSO De Kat, id, cd 16.20 6290 16.22 Monique, S6-8, "Support the Ross Revenge Group", "Radio Monique has been broadcasting for 30 years, and we are still here" 6398 16.25 Markies,...