
Showing posts from June, 2023

Log 2023-6-29

Thursday 2023-6-29 Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peak at 17.30 UTC, Bz negative all day long, currently -5 .. -3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Sweden, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine +S1-3 6290      18.37     unid, S3-5, Tina Turner - Steamy Windows, Status Quo - Rockin' all over the World, ZZ Top - Sharp dressed Man, 18.48: Chris Rea - The Road to Hell, Bryan Ferry - Let's stick Together, 18.58: Beach Boys - California Girls, 19.03:  Ike & Tina Turner - Nutbush City Limit, 30^, Queen - Killer Queen, S5-7 6960      19.08     pres. Zeppelin, S4-6, Greek rock tracks 6280      19.26     Deltracks, S4-6, Feargal Sharkey - Never Never (It never happens to Me), 19.31: "Retro Hits", Toto -Africa G1-peaks at 19, 20 and 21 UTC, disturbed ionosphere, Bz: -4 .. -2 nT, ionospheric rattles: floor MW=S2, floor SW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Ukraine, Austria...

Log 2023-6-28

Wednesday 2023-6-28 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -4 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Türkiye +S1-2 6270      18.45     unid, S3-5, rock tracks, 18.53: Beatles - All my Loving, 19.07: Bellamy Brothers - Let your love Flow, 19.10: John Paul Young - Love is in the Air Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -4 .. +1 nT, noise: ionospheric rattles: floor SW=S1, floor MW=S2, static hassle and crashes from Finland, Sweden, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Türkiye +S1-3, deteriorating conditions << G1-peaks at 20.30-21 UTC 5140      20.06     Charleston, S5-7, Freddy Martin - I’ve got a lovely Bunch of Coconuts 6270      20.14     unid, S4-6, occ. ute 6268-71, Frank Sinatra - It was a very good Year 5880      20.23     Rock Revolution, S5-7, occ. ute 5798-5802, "Rock at its best - Rad...

Log 2023-6-27

Tuesday 2023-6-27 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -2 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Russia, Poland, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia +S1-3 6300      19.16     Blauwe Panter, S4-6, ute 6296-99, Les Reed Orchestra - Man of Action, "Dit is de Blauwe Panter, goede avond", Boney M - Going back West, Dutch songs, Simple Minds - Belfast Child, id 19.31, greez to Herman, 19.38: id, greez to stations, brass band polka, 19.41: Dorthe - Sind sie der Graf von Luxemburg, 19.42: greez, id, Les Humphries Singers - Mexico, 19.46: cd-ann., cd 5140      20.00     Charleston, S4-6 6955      20.07      ass. Zeppelin, S4-6, song: "Those were the Days", panflute+band mx, more instr. tracks 1620      20.18     unid, S4-7, Greek on freq, song: "Rosen blühen überall", Engelbert Humperdinck - Please release Me, s...

Log 2023-6-26

Monday 2023-6-26 Disturbed ionosphere, G2-peak at 16 UTC, Bz erratic: -5 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Sweden, Estonia, Russia +S1-3 6270      16.39     Mexico, S3-6, "This is Radio Mexico from Germany", German and Dutch songs, several jingles between tracks 6320      18.11     Joey, S4-7, occ. ute 6320-33, Van Halen - Jump, Olivia Newton-John - Xanadu, 18.18: "This is Radio Joey - your station", 18.24: "On SW you're listening to Radio Joey" + several other jingles, Susan Raye - L.A. International Airport, 19.40: Samantha Fox - Touch Me (I Want Your Body), S6-8 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Sweden, Russia, Poland, Czechia, Germany, Austria +S1-4 6285      19.20     unid, S4-6, occ. ute 6275-85 and 6286-89, rock tracks, 19.24: jingle, 19.34: Alice Cooper - School's Ou...

Log 2023-6-25

Sunday 2023-6-25 Unsettled ionosphere after last night's G2-storm, G1-peaks at 18-18.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -8 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania, Greece +S1-2 5800      18.48     Akenzo, S5-8, greez to various stations and listeners, Dutch rock and songs, at 21.00:  S7-9 6290      18.57     Weekend Music, S4-6, Rick Springfield - Jessie's Girl, id  6260      19.00     unid, S3-5, occ. covered by utes 6256-64, big band mx, polka song, instr. techno, Dutch song, 19.12: John Fogerty - Big Train, Dutch version of "Immer wieder Sonntags", at 20.58: Manfred Mann - Do Wah Diddy, S4-6 6275      19.16     unid, S3-5, 6273 Russian amateurs, Tina Turner - Typical Male, rock tracks, 19.22 talking in the statics, 21.01: hosting in the statics, rock, 21.05: humor strip, ro...

Log 2023-6-24

Saturday 2023-6-24, Midsummer Day Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peak at 17 UTC, Bz: -5 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro +S1-2 6290      18.10     Weekend Music, S4-6, 6292 CW covering, id, 18.18: Bread - The Guitar Man, 20.45:Rick Springfield - Jessie's Girl, S5-7  6380      18.12     unid, S3-5, other carrier 6378, 18.14: talk in the statics, Doors - Riders on the Storm, cd 18.17 6275      18.20     unid, unassessable, covered by ute 6265-75, rock tracks, at 20.14: Fools Garden - Lemon Tree, S3-5 G1-peak at 20 UTC, Bz: -9 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro +S1-3, signals in fast fading 6380      20.12     unid, S3-5, other carrier 6378, rock tracks in the statics,...

Log 2023-6-23

Friday 2023-6-23, Midsummer Eve Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -6 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia 5800      16.40     Akenzo, S3-5, Cher - Believe, La Bouche-Be my Lover, 16.45: greez to Alex, "We are closing down here, bye bye, short test", 16.51: cd-ann., cd 16.52 6275      18.56     unid, unassessable, covered by ute 6265-75 + statics, rock tracks, 21.04: Meatloaf - Paradise by the Dashboard Light, Dutch song, S4-6 6955      19.01     unid, S4-6, rock tracks in the statics, 19.03: Pat Benatar - Love is a Battlefield, Kate Bush - Running up that Hill, ass. Zeppelin Disturbed ionosphere, Bz erratic: -8 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crahes from Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy +...

Log 2023-6-22

Thursday 2023-6-22 - today's reception totally ruined by statics and G-peaks Unsettled ionosphere, Bz negative since 12 UTC, steady -5 .. -4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Finland, Sweden, Russia +S1-3 6280      17.32     unid, S2-5, ute 6281-86, Little Richard -  Tutti Frutti, R&R tracks in the statics, cd 17.38 G1-peak at 18 UTC, G1-G3-G2-peaks at 20-21 UTC, Bz erratic: -5 .. -1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Russia, Germany, Czechia +S1-3 6960      19.32     unid, S4-6, rock tracks in the statics 5140      19.37     Charleston, S4-6, oldies in the statics 1629      20.10     unid, S3-6, Dutch songs in the statics 1636      20.13     unid, S3-6, Gary Puckett & The Union Gap - Young Girl, 20.17: Maggie Reilly - Moonlight Shadow, rock tracks  588...

Log 2023-6-21

Wednesday 2023-6-21, Summer solstice at 14.57 UTC , length of daytime 19 h 15 min at the remote QTH, sunset at 20 UTC Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: +1 .. +6 nT, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia +S1-4 6290      17.44     unid, S3-5, Sweet - Fox on the Run, cd 17.50 6280      17.48     unid, S3-5, occ. covered by ute 6281-85, amateurs on freq, Uriah Heep - Gypsy Queen, hard rock tracks 6960      18.40     unid, S4-6, jazz tracks, at 19.55: instr. "La Mer" = "Beyond the Sea", more jazz tracks, more jazz tracks, S5-7 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic and dropping: +5 > -7 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Russia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, France, Spain +S1-3 5140      20.53     Charleston, S5-7 5880      2...

Log 2023-6-19

Monday 2023-6-19 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -6 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Finland, Sweden, the Black Sea, Türkiye, Germany, Austria, France, Spain +S1-3 6275      19.16     unid, S4-6, occ. covered by ute 6265-75, 19.21: Doobie Brothers - Listen to the Music, John Miles - Music (was my first Love), 19.30 jingle in the statics, Kansas - Dust in the Wind, Years & Years - King, 19.37: jingle in the ute, 20.00: id in the ute, Beatles - Rock 'n' Roll Music 6285      19.19     unid, S2-4, Abba - Chiquitita, mx in the statics, 20.03: Black Sabbath - Paranoid, S3-5 G1-peaks at 20-21 UTC, -3 .. +2 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, occ. statics +S1 1638      19.55     Bluebird, S5-7, instr. polka, 19.56: greez, id, "Trulla oh Trulla"-polka, at 21.00: S8-S9+5 1629      20.07     Delfzijl, S4-6, 1630 Greek occ. covering, Con...

Log 2023-6-18

Sunday 2023-6-18 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz negative since 5 UTC, recently: -6 .. -1 nT, G1-peak at 17.30 UTC, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static creshes from Finland, Sweden, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, Türkiye +S1-2 6280      18.02     unid, S3-5, occ. ute 6272-82, rock tracks in the statics, 18.09: Deep Purple - Child in Time, cd 18.15, no id 6290      18.17     unid / Weekend Music, S5-7, 6292 occ. CW, talking about John Martin, id, Eurythmics - When Tomorrow Comes 5800      18.23     ContiKenzo, S6-8, occ. ute 5799-5801, greez to Josef, "Luisteraars dit is de ContiKenzo hier", Samantha Fox - Touch Me (I Want Your Body), song dedicated to Jürgen. "In de oude jacke", Middle Of The Road - Sacramento, 18.34: greez to Mike Fox, "You're listening to the little pirate from the Netherlands" 6275      18.39     pres. JT, S7-9, ute 6265-75,  Don Gibson...

Log 2023-6-17

Saturday 2023-6-17 Unsettled ionosphere after last night's and today's G1-storm, Bz: -2 .. +1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Finland  +S1 6270      17.33     unid, S3-5, ute 6265-75 occ. covering, instr. country polka, big band polka, German and Dutch songs, 17.44: Dorthe - Sind sie der Graf von Luxemburg, Silvia Swart - Bye bye tot morgen, 17.54 song: "Hula hula hula la la la la", then totally covered by the ute Unsettled ionosphere, Bz: -3 .. +1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Türkiye, Bulgaria, Romania, France, Spain, Wales, Ireland +S1-3 6280      19.06     Lowland, S5-7, occ. ute 6275-78, Elton John - Nikita, 19.15: Prince - The most beautiful Girl in the World, 19.19: Dutch rock, 19.29: "Radio Lowland testing with 50 % power for the 1:st of July SWCH barbeque" 6320      19.23     Joey, S6-8, occ. ute 6320-23, id-jingles, rock tracks, Dutch son...

Log 2023-6-16

Friday 2023-6-16 Settling ionosphere after last night's G2-storm, G1-peaks all day long, latest at 16 UTC, Bz stabilizing: -4 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Norway, Denmark, Lithuania, Russia, Türkiye, Bulgaria +S1-2 6280      18.08     Avia, S4-6, Deep Purple - Child in Time, hard rock tracks, 18.20: Motörhead - Ace of Spades, id 18.23, 18.27: id, greez G1-peak at 20 UTC, Bz: -2 .. +2 nT, noise: floor MW=S1, floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Italy, Türkiye +S1-2 1629      20.25     Turftrekker, S3-6, German and Dutch rock tracks, 20.28: CCR - Green River, 20.33: greez, Dire Straits - Industrial Disease, 20.53: Madonna - Papa don't Preach 1647      20.56     King Kong, S4-7, 1650 Greek splashing, Dutch songs, 21.05: talking, id in the statics, "Oh Rosalie"-song, 21.10: "Luisteraars en amateurs, dit is Radio Zender King Kong", greez 5140      21.11...

Log 2023-6-15

Thursday 2023-6-15 Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peaks 13-16.30, 18.30-19 and 20.30-21 UTC, Bz erratic: -7 .. +3 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, static crashes from Russia, Norway, Poland, Bulgaria, Serbia, the Adriatic Sea, Italy, Ireland +S1, all signals in fast fading 6205      19.33     LHH, S3-5, Bobby Golsboro - Honey, hosting, id, instr. Elizabeth's Waltz 5140      19.47     Charleston, S3-5, "This is Charleston Radio International", songs: "Polly wolly doodle all the Day", "Jazz Girl" 5880      19.52     Rock Revolution, S3-5, 5879 occ. CW 5810      19.58     Akenzo, S4-7, occ. ute on freq and 5810-30, Fools Garden - Lemon Tree, Iron Maiden - Can I play with Madness, dance version of EWF's "September", 20.12: Michael Jackson - Black or White, Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away, 20.25: greez to Pluto, Paul and others, 20.27: id 1629      20.43    ...

Log 2023-6-14

Wednesday 2023-6-14 Calm ionosphere, Bz: erratic: -3 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Russia, Poland, Türkiye, the Adriatic Sea, Italy +S1-2, floor MW=S1, occ. statics +S1 5140      20.37     Charleston, S-7, "This is CRI, we broadcast on 5140 kcs in the 60 meter band" 6290      21.03     Deltracks, S6-8, Elton John - Goodbye yellow Brick Road, jingle, America - Horse with no Name 5880      21.10     Rock Revolution, S4-6, occ. CW 5879, "Radio Rock Revolution all over Europe" 1620      21.12     unid, S5-7, Patsy Cline - Walkin' after Midnight, parts of oldies tracks and carrier only, cd 21.18

Log 2023-6-13

Tuesday 2023-6-13 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: 0 .. +5 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Italy, western Mediterranean, Algeria, France, Spain +S1-2 6290      19.36     unid, S3-5, "Ai ai ai ai"-polka, songs and rock covered by the statics, 19.45: Marshall Hain - Dancing in the City, 20.05 song: "Guardian Angel" 5140      20.10     Charleston, S4-6 1620      20.15     unid, S5-7, accordion polka, 20.18: "Marion"-polka, Dutch songs 1670      20.15     Technische Man, S4-6, waltz songs, disco tracks, 20.22: "Dit is de Technische Man experimentelle", at 21.30: Andrea Berg - Du hast mich tausendmal belogen, 21.32: "Luisteraars, je luistert naar de Technische Man", greez to Martin, S7-9 1638      20.17     Admiraal, S4-6, song: "Hello Mary Lou", rock, id 20.23, 20.24: "This is Admiraal 1, a very ...

Log 2023-6-12

Monday 2023-6-12 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz erratic: -4 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Algeria, Italy, France, Spain +S1-2 1638      20.23     Bluebird, S6-9, instr. polka, "Zo is mijn Rosmarie alleen"-song, yodel polka, Dutch songs, 20.35: greez, " .. aan de micro is Luppo", at 21.50: S8-S9+5 5880      20.37     Rock Revolution, S4-6, rock tracks in the statics 5140      20.43     Charleston, S5-7, oldies in the statics 6931      20.48     pres. Indy, S3-5, mx in the statics 1647      20.50     unid / Pacman, S5-8, Eddie Cochran - Summertime Blues, id-jingle in the statics, Middle Of The Road - Sacramento, 20.56: "Reports can be sent to:", email, 20.59: R. North Sea recording, 21.00: T. Rex - Get It On, "You're listening to Radio Pacman", instr. polka, 21.09: carrier only, cd 21.10,  ...

Log 2023-6-11

Sunday 2023-6-11 Disturbed ionosphere, Bz erratic: -5 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Romania, Serbia, Italy, Switzerland, France, Spain, England +S1-3, 180 meters first opening 5800      18.48     Akenzo, S5-7, occ. ute 5798-5813, S5-7, "Echo echo echo"-song, greez to Mustang and others, 20.26: AC / DC - Thunderstruck, S6-8 6210      18.59     King SW, S2-4, "King SW", rock in the statics, 19.16: Billy Joel - She's always a Woman, cd 19.20, S4-6 6294,5   19.01     unid / Weekend Music, S4-6, id, hosting, Whitesnake - Is This Love, jingles, "Remember this golden classic:", Golden Earring - Radar Love 6280      19.14     unid, S3-6, Dutch songs covered by statics, 19.23: Cyndi Lauper - Girls just want to have Fun, next: "Kitty uit Kansas City is de echte wilde kat"-song, 19.33: "Hula hula hula aloha"-song 6385    ...

Log 2023-6-10

Saturday 2023-6-10 Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -2 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Ukraine, Romania, Slovenia, Italy, France, England +S1-2 6280      18.14     Lowland, S4-6, amateurs 6282, rock tracks in the statics, 18.19: ELO - Rock n' Roll Is King, 19.18: Whitney Houston - One Moment in Time, Scooter - Hyper Hyper, Jermaine Jackson - Do what You Do, "This is Radio Lowland, from somewhere in the Netherlands, send your report to SWCH", S6-8 6955      19.10     Enterprise, S4-6, occ. ute 6953-58, rock tracks, 19.12: "This is Enterprise Radio - music from the space", email, SSTV, 19.44: Star Trek id-jingle, SSTV, S5-7 5800      19.48     pres. Deltracks, S3-5, Thin Lizzy - Whiskey in the Jar, rock tracks, cd 20.01 6295      20.01     unid / Weekend Music, S5-7, Joe Fagin That's livin' Alright, hosting, id, 21.19: Golden Earring - Ra...

Log 2023-6-9

Friday 2023-6-9 Calm ionosphere, Bz: -5 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static hassle and crashes from Belarus, Romania, Serbia, Türkiye, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain +S1-3 5800      18.41     unid, S6-8, occ. ute 5793-5808, Meatloaf - Paradise by the Dashboard Light, 18.50: Deep Purple - Child in Time, 19.00: Eagles - Hotel California, 19.04-: Russian amateurs occ. on freq, 19.07: Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody, 19.12: Sex Pistols - God save the Queen, Manfred Mann - Ha ha said the Clown, part of Abba - When all is said and Done, cd 19.25, no id , S7-9 6290      19.27     Deltracks, S4-6, rock tracks, 19.36: id-jingle, Frida - I know there's Something going On, 20.00: "Je favoriete platen - dit is Deltracks", S5-7 6280      19.30     Fox 48, S4-6, occ. ute 6282-85, rock tracks in the statics, 19.39: Scorpions - Send me an Angel, 19.41: talk and id in the statics, rock tracks, 20.01: ZZ Top - Sh...

Log 2023-6-8

Thursday 2023-6-8 , sunset 19.50 UTC Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz steady: 0 .. +2 nT, floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Türkiye, Serbia, Bosnia-Hertzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Germany, Algeria, Marocco +S1-2 6294,5   18.23     unid / Weekend Music, S3-5, occ. ute 6285-95, rock, 18.25: multilingual ids, 18.35: Diana Ross - My old Piano, 18.40: Desireless - Voyage Voyage 1638      19.46     Bluebird, S5-8, Dutch version of "Callow la Vita" = "Zomer en Winter", "In Acapulco"-song, 19.54: greez , at 21.35: S9-S9+10 1620      19.57     Delfzijl, S2-6, Greek on freq occ. covering, Dutch song, 20.00: "Blonde haar en blauwe ogen", Dutch and German polkas, 20.22: greez, id 20.24 1629      20.05     Marskramer, S2-6, Dutch song, 20.07: "Dans met mij Rosalie"-waltz, 20.11: "This is Marskramer Radio from the north coast of the Netherlands", at 21.35...

Log 2023-6-7

Wednesday 2023-6-7 Calm ionosphere, Bz erratic: -4 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static hassle and crashes from Serbia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, Germany +S1-2 6300      18.49     unid, S3-5, 18.59: Pretenders - Don't get me wrong, part of Genesis - Invisible Touch, cd 19.03 6320      18.56     unid, S4-6, Loreen - Euphoria, 19.01: talking, rock tracks, 19.08: talking, rock, 19.11: talking, rock, 19.13: talking, possible ids in the statics 6295      19.14     unid, S3-5, two stations on freq, the stronger playing: Genesis - Invisible Touch, Belinda Carlisle - Heaven is a Place on Earth, 19.21: Tina Turner - Steamy Windows, 19.25: Status Quo - Rockin' all over the World, cd 19.28 6955      19.32     unid, S5-7, Greek songs, ass. Zeppelin Fairly calm ionosphere, Bz: -3 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor SW=S1, constant static hassle and crashes from Czechia,...

Log 2023-6-6

Tuesday 2023-6-6 Calm ionosphere, Bz: -2 .. +4 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Russia, Serbia, Bosnia-Hertzegovina, Croatia, Italy, France + S1-2, floor MW=S1, 180 meters first opening 6300      19.21     Blauwe Panter, S4-6, covered by ute 6300-6320, Les Humphries Singers - Mexico, Dutch rock, 19.26: thanking for reports, dedicated to Misti: CCR -Who'll stop the Rain, Freddie Mercury - Living on my Own, 19.30 id ?, Boney M - Going back West, 19.42: id, cd-ann., cd 19.43 6960      19.45     unid, S4-6, occ. amateurs on freq, rock songs in the statics 1620      19.55     Marianne, S3-7, Greek on freq covering, Dutch songs, e.g. 19.56 song: "Ave Maria", id 20.55, cd-ann., S7-9, cd 21.01 1637      19.57     unid, S2-6, other carriers 1635 and 1640, Dutch songs 1647      21.01     Mike, S5-8, Dutch version of "Wie eine Lad...

Log 2023-6-5

Monday 2023-6-5 Unsettled ionosphere, Bz: +3 .. +8 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Serbia, Romania, Hungary, Algeria, Italy, France, Spain +S1-2, floor MW=S1, occ. statics +S1 6290      19.13     unid, S4-6, other station on freq, occ. ute 6290-6305, CCR - I put a spell on You, Hawaii guitar version of "Yellow Rose of Texas", cd 19.16 1638      19.47     Bluebird, S4-6, 1640 Greek splashing, Dutch and German songs, 19.55: "Etherpiraten"-waltz, 19.56: greez to stations, "Dit is de Bluebird voor jou", 20.37: Gerhard Wendland - Tanze mit mir in den Morgen, S6-8 6290      20.09     Ronalisa, S3-5, Dutch songs, 20.15: id, email 5880      20.23     Rock Revolution, S5-7, "Radio Rock Revolution" 5140      20.28     Charleston, S5-7, Andrews Sisters - Scrub me Mama with a Boogie Beat 1655      20.40   ...

Log 2023-6-4

Sunday 2023-6-4 Unsettled ionosphere all day long, Bz suddenly falling from +7 .. +10 nT to +8 > -11 nT at 16.30 UTC, noise:  floor SW=S0, static crashes from Russia, Türkiye, Macedonia +S1 5810      16.09     unid, S2-4, occ. ute 5808, "Melanie in mooie Zillertal"-polka, 16.12: greez, "Mooie Laura"-polka, "Rozen uit Napoli"-song, more Dutch songs 6270      16.26     unid, S2-4, song: "Auf wiedersehen we'll meet again some day", "Lieve Monica"-song, Dutch and German songs 5800      17.13     ContiKenzo, S4-6, song: "The Battle of New Orleans", id "Contkenzo uit Noord-Oost Nederland", greez to listeners all over Europe 6287      17.24     Fox 48, S3-5, jazz, Dutch rock tracks, 17.40: German song "Amore Mio", 17.43: Abba - Ring Ring, 17.46: German id-jingle, cd 6280      17.49     Avia, S4-6, hard rock tracks, 17.52: "Geode avon...

Log 2023-6-3

Saturday 2023-6-3 Calm ionosphere, Bz: +1 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, occ. statics from Russia +S1 6170      14.50     Scandinavian Weekend R., S7-9, DJ Onni in the Studio, 14.58: Matti Esko - Rekkamies, "From the town of Virrat this is Scandinavian Weekend Radio" Calm ionosphere, Bz: -2 .. +1 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant statics from Russia, Armenia, the Black Sea, Türkiye, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Albania +S1-2 6380      18.33     Joey, S6-8, techno disco tracks, 19.48: greez to Alf, song: "My Baby just put me a Letter", S6-8 5800      18.42     ContiKenzo, S6-8 Tina Turner - Simply the Best, greez, id, instr. polka, 18.45: greez to Mr. Tony of  London, 18.47: Tee Set - She likes Weeds Calm ionosphere, Bz: -1 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant statics now also from France, Spain, Algeria +S1-2, floor MW=S1, 180 meter not open yet 6210      19.40     King S...

Log 2023-6-2

Friday 2023-6-2 Calm ionosphere, Bz: -2 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, floor MW=S1, constant static crashes from Russia, Türkiye, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Slovenia, Italy, France +S1-2, 180 meters first opening 6285      19.37     Akenzo, S6-8, , Abba - The Winner takes It All, "Hello, test 1,2", greez, at 21.00: S7-9 6295      19.38     unid, S5-7, other station on freq, instr. polka, jingle ??, instr. polka, 19.42: jingle ??, 19.43: instr. polka, 19.46-49: carrier only + the other station, cd 6295      20.18     unid, S3-5, instr. "Zorba's Dance", Keith Marshall - Only Crying, cd 20.20 6205      20.21     LHH, unassessable, ute 6202-05, rock, id 20.23 6931      20.24     Indy, S3-5, Spanish rock, id 20.25, Spanish rock 5880      20.28     Rock Revolution, S5-7, 20.29: id-jingle, Kinks - Lola 1638  ...

Log 2023-6-1

Thursday 2023-6-1 Bz very erratic all day long, ionosphere settling from a G1-peak at 14.30 UTC, Bz currently -4 .. 0 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, static crashes from Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina +S1, signals in fast fading  6270      16.35     unid, S3-5, ute 6265-75, Dutch song, accordion polka, 17.40: Dutch version of "Pour un flirt avec toi", cd 16.44, no id 6295      17.27     Mike, S5-8, ute on freq, Frank Sinatra - Strangers in the Night, Eydie Gorme - Blame it on the Bossa Nova, 17.39: Diesel - Down in the Silvermine, 17.50: Classics - My Lady of Spain, Dutch version of "Ein Festival der Liebe", 30^, 18.03: "Where ever you go .... take a portable radio", 18.08: Taffy - I love my Radio (My Midnight Radio), 18.13: "Mike Mike Mike Radio" 6280      18.21     East Coast Holland, S4-7, rock, 18.22: Cliff Richard & The Shadows - Living Doll, David Bowie song, 18.30: Queen - Made in Heave...

Log 2023-5-31

Wednesday 2023-5-31 Disturbed ionosphere, G1-peak at 19 and 20.30 UTC, Bz erratic: -7 .. +2 nT, noise: floor SW=S0, constant static crashes from Crete, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, France, Spain +S1-2, floor MW=S1, bands opening late this evening 5810      19.38     Deltracks, S5-7 5140      19.45     Charleston, S4-6 5880      20.00     Rock Revolution, S4-6 1655      20.54     Wilskracht, S6-9, other carrier 1656, instr. polka, wild west polka, march polka, country polka, waltz song, tango song, 21.10: "Wilskracht met een kleine test" 1665      20.58     unid, S6-9, other carrier 1666, Dutch song, 21.00-02  carrier only, cd 1645      21.03     Digital, s/on, S7-S9+5, Dutch country song, Michael Nesmith - Silver Moon, rock tracks, 21.17: "Turfsteker"-polka, rock, 21.24: "Bye bye tot morgen"-po...